Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1418: Great Good Man 3

"Great people! You are really good people. If you are not there, these children may suffer a lot of pains. Thank you for your good deeds in this generation! We are a group of old and weak women and women, there is really nothing to come back to repay you. I also want you to be worshipped by the old man!" The old woman said that she would bow down, but she was stopped by the man holding her arms. ?八一中文网? W?W?W (eight). ?8 (eight) 1? Z? W (eight). (a) C (one) O? M

"The old man's words can be toss me. The world is in distress. I can't kill the enemy and save the country. I can only help those who need help. The elderly need not be so polite. If there is any need in the future, I can always go to Fuyuantang in the east of the city to find me. My name is Luoxi, which is the owner of Fuyuantang." Luoxi smiled and opened his mouth.

The old woman was so impressed that she looked at the beautiful and gentle Luoxi in front of her eyes and thought that she had met the best person in the world.

The women who were sick of the children felt very surprised when they heard the words of Luoxi. When they fled, they had not encountered such a good man of tenderness and tenderness for a long time.

"This great good person is the owner of Fuyuantang. Fuyuantang is the largest pharmacy in this breeze city. I heard about it before. Fuyuantang often relieves refugees. Recently, a family member was seriously ill. They are from Other cities in the city who escaped here are not penniless, but after seeking Fuyuantang, Fuyuantang actually saved the child without paying for it, and took the family to the shop. Help, now the family has a good time." Someone who knows the situation immediately promoted the good things of Luoxi.

Those who have just entered the city, after listening to this, really envious of it, watching Luoxi’s dress, I know that his family business is good, and it’s rare to have such a good heart, which makes them involuntarily full of Luoxi. Trust.

After all, these refugees have neither money nor power in their hands. Luoxi does not have to show them to them because they are unprofitable.

Luoxi stayed in the refugee camp for a while, and then he and the entourage left, and people came to see him along the way. The grateful words continued to echo in the ear of Luoxi.

However, when Luoxi had just left the refugee camp, the gentle smile on his face disappeared in an instant without a trace. A pair of swords and eyebrows wrinkled. He stared at his own hands and disgusted: "It is really dirty!"

"Young Master, to you." The followers immediately sent a clean handkerchief.

Luoxi took it over and wiped it off with a pair of hands. "It’s disgusting to make people sick. How can the smell of this place be so stinky? It’s damn, what the old is not doing, what is it? I have to go to the fake to help, disgusting."

The disgusting feelings on Luoxi’s face were unobtrusive, and the mild image in the refugee camp was as good as two.

"The young master is angry, why should he keep up with such an old guy, and tomorrow will make people come to her." The entourage on the side rushed.

Luoxi brows wrinkled, "No."

"First keep the old guy's life, wait until the newcomers know that I am good, and it is not too late to kill her. Now she still has some use."

"Yes Yes."

"Well, hurry back, don't let the owner wait." Luo Xi threw the handkerchief on the road and strode away.

And his group of dog legs also followed the diligently.

It is a pity that Luoxi, who is full of disgust, has not appeared at all. His words and deeds have already fallen into the eyes of some people.

Jun Wuzhe stood in the shadows, watching the performance of Luoxi before and after, the corner of his mouth sneered a sneer.

"Pseudo-good." The black cat squats on the shoulder of the innocent. "This person's heart is so bad, people thank him, but he wants someone else's name, it is really vicious! Master, this guy is definitely a problem, he must be twelve The **** of the temple!"

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