Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1419: Great Good Man 4

Jun Wuxie looked at the back of Luoxi, thoughtful. Eight? One Chinese W (one) WW. 81ZW. COM

After breaking through the purple spirit, the spiritual power of the others will become extremely sensitive. As long as the other party's spiritual power is not too high, they can easily perceive the other's spiritual level.

The incomprehensible low spirit of the innocent in Luoxi, only the level of the red spirit, the few followers around him are not high, the highest one is just breaking through the orange spirit.

These spiritual powers, even in the next three worlds, are also a small role to play. If you don't feel evil, you can't think that the 12th Hall will send such a waste to the next three worlds.


Why is Luoxi disguised as an old and weak woman in the refugee camp?

This is very suspicious.

Most of the people in the camps are unarmed, not too old or too small. Even some young women are mostly yellow and thin, and they do not see any value.

However, Luoxi had deliberately disguised himself as a great good man and gave him grace in the refugee camp. This made him feel that he couldn’t understand it.

Jun Wu looked down and looked at a **** and a pill in his hand. These two things were given to the refugees in Luoxi before, and they took a point for each innocent.

Both things looked very normal, the **** was cold, some hard, and it was opened innocently, smelling a little in front of the nose, and then her brow immediately wrinkled.

"There was a white man in it."

"White?" The black cat only felt that the two words sounded familiar, but for a while, they couldn't think of anything.

"White, warm, and blood-activating effects, but if people take it for a long time, it will make the blood surge, and the spirit is multiplied, but it is easy to be excessively excited. In the twenty-fourth century, this is a kind of thing that can replace the stimulant. "There is a sneer in the corner of the innocent mouth. The medicinal material of the white pheasant, which she is familiar with in her previous life, can no longer be familiar with it. From the white scorpion, it can extract something that makes people feel very excited in a short time, and it is not very suitable after being integrated into the human body." It is easy to be noticed. It is a substitute for stimulants in the twenty-fourth century. It is often used by some people who are unconcerned and used in competitive sports.

And this medicine is also very common in the organization, almost every member holds a copy, just in case, in case of emergency, the body is not in the state, as long as the white peony extract is drunk, You can return to the peak state in an instant.

Only after the innocent and reborn, after seeing nothing, she thought that there was no such thing in the world, but she did not expect that she would have traces of whiteness here.

White peony can be used as a stimulant in emergency, and long-term use of extracts of white peony can strengthen the human body, but this kind of strengthening has great harm to the human brain nerves. Only those who have signed the death contract in the organization will use.

Jun has never seen a person in the past, and took a month's extract of white peony. After one month, his body strength is obviously stronger than ordinary people, and his power is endless, but the side effects are also extremely obvious. His intelligence In the constant degradation, it is obviously an adult man in his thirties, but a month later, his IQ is only about a 13-year-old child.

With white peony as a substitute for stimulants, and while the body is full of excitement, the brain is also highly excited. The longer this situation lasts, the more serious the damage to the brain nerves.

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