Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1420: Not bad money 1

Jun Wuxie suddenly thought of those poisonous people. The situation of poisonous people now seems to be very similar to those who take excessive white peony, but the effect is more intense. August 1 Chinese? W=W≤W. 81ZW. COM

"It seems that the people of the Twelve Halls have added a lot of white scorpions in the medicinal juice of the refining poison." The innocent palm of the hand fired a purple flame, and the **** was completely burned to ashes.

In that medicinal herb, Jun No Evil still has traces of white enamel, and the amount is bigger than the hoe!

These pills are all taken for those who are sick. The brains of the children are the most slender and still in the stage of education. During this time, if they excessively stimulate their brains, they will cause indelible harm.

This medicinal medicine goes down, and the injuries suffered by those children will be the tragic life that cannot be repaired in this life.

Rao is a deserted person who is innocent and innocent. When he sees such vicious means, his chest is also angry for a while.

What a good man, this is clearly the evil spirit of human life!

Dressed with hypocritical human skin, but pushed people into the abyss, I am afraid that those people will eventually become completely stupid, and the last thought is still grateful to their "great good people"!

Compared with the hypocrites like Luoxi, Jun is no longer a true admiration for the real villain, at least the villain, and the act is more bright and upright.

"Master, they give those people something to eat white, can they say that they want to use these people as poison people?" The little black cat jumped, not blaming it for being too horrified, but the things in front of it made it have to be produced. Such a thought.

White peony can make people become strong and can cause damage to the brain. If it is now white, and then refining the poison, is it faster?

"It should be." Jun no evil cold snorted, crushed the pill.

She can almost certainly determine that those poisonous people must be from the breeze city, and those who are poisonous have a part, it should be refining by these poisonous people, but there is only one thing, the country is a small country, even if it is all the people near the breeze city. It has become a poisonous person, and it is absolutely impossible to create so many poisonous people.

How to solve this doubt will be related to the key to revealing the true secrets of the poisoned people!

"Master, now, what should we do? Do you want to stop those refugees from eating these things?" asked the little black cat.

Jun no evil but shook his head.

Luoxi’s hypocrisy is only known to her. In the minds of those refugees, Luoxi is a great benefactor to save lives. She is just a stranger. Even if she exposes the true face of Luoxi in public, she is afraid of those refugees. Believe her words, but will be amazed.

This kind of thing that is not worth the loss, nature will not do it.

Jun no evil touched the chin, since Luoxi likes to be a "good guy", then she would rather treat her person with his own way!

"Go, let's go to the city to see." Jun Wuxie suddenly raised his eyebrows and walked toward the most prosperous street in Qingfeng City.

The world is in chaos, but the Breeze City has been away from suffering for some special reasons. The city is as old as it is, and because of the entry of a group of foreign wealthy businessmen, the economic strength of the city has doubled.

And nowadays, the most expensive in the breeze city is not the side, it is the land of the breeze city!

Because of the large number of refugees entering, the rooms in the Breeze City have been turned over and over again. The places that were not worth the money have now been squandered by the aborigines. In the past ten or two, they could buy a small house. Someone is willing to sell!

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