Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1437: Looking for death 3 for a monthly ticket

The refugees were completely dumbfounded, and the poor ones of them were thrown out, not to mention the one or two silvers, and once a day, even if they were sold, they could not sell so much money!

Just entered the safe and tidy land, those refugees, I thought that I can finally live a stable life, where I would think that I will encounter such a thing!

"But...but I didn't say it you not collect money..." A child who was still young, said the doubts of the hearts of the people, and the child had just finished saying this, one behind him. The woman hurriedly reached out and licked his mouth. Bayi? Chinese network W (a) W? W (eight). ?8?1 (one) ZW. COM

But the innocent words, but already fell into the ears of the bully, the eyes of the bully immediately turned to the child, the mother of the child shocked a cold sweat, immediately kneeling on the ground to the bully to beg for mercy.

"Grandpa, the child, he doesn't know anything, you should never care about him."

"The child is not sensible. Isn't he a sensible person as his mother?" The bully raised his eyebrows and looked at the woman who was scared and pale. "You have lived here for two or three days? Then you should take both of you." The money owed by the individual is added? I don’t think you are the one who is orphaned and widowed. If you are two or two, you will be good forty-two."

"Four... Forty-two..." The woman was completely panicked. Her husband was killed by poisonous people when the poisoned man was invaded. She fled with her young son all the way, and all the continuation of the road was spent. Forty two is an astronomical figure for her. She cried and pleaded: "Grandpa, I really have no money... really..."

The bully looked at the woman's delicate face hidden under horror. The woman was petite. Although she was already a mother, she still had a trace of color. The bully stepped forward and reached out and touched the woman's cheek. "No. Money? It doesn't matter. If you really don't have the money, you can use your body to get it!"

The woman opened her eyes incredulously, but before she could make a sound, she was smashed by the bully, forcibly dragged her arms into her arms, and the cries of screaming came from the woman’s mouth. Struggling to resist, but how can her strength rival the powerful arm of a man?

Bean's tears fell from the woman's eyes, and she kept pleading with the bully aide, begging the refugees around her to save her.

However, the refugees on the side chose silence, and one by one escaped from the line of sight and could not bear to look again.

"Let my mother kiss! You bad guy! Let go of my mother!" The young child looked at his mother being bullied, madly slammed into the bite of the bully's arm, the painful bully immediately loosened Hand.

"Mom! Stinky boy! You dare to bite Laozi! Come on! Kill this little one to me! This woman sells Laozi to the kiln! Everyone here gives me a clear understanding! Today If you don't make up the money you owe, don't think about it!" The bully is angry.

A few strong men behind him immediately rushed toward the poor mother and son!

However, just in the moment when the few people were about to catch the mother and son, a figure was like a lightning bolt in front of the mother and child, and a silver light swept like a lightning! The men who rushed in were instantly hit by a tyrannical force!

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