Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1438: Looking for death 4 for a monthly ticket

"Who!" for the bully, watching his companions fly, immediately squinting at the eyes!

In front of the mother and son who were sobbing and crying, a petite figure stood proudly!

It was a handsome boy with a simple rag, and it didn't look good, but she had a pair of chilling eyes!

It’s so cold!

The bully looked at the boy who suddenly smashed out, looked up and down the person's appearance, and saw the other's clothes simple, so she was the refugee who lived here. August 1st? Wenwang W (1) W? W. 81ZW. COM

"Where is the little king and eight lambs! It’s not alive! It’s a good thing to dare to beat Laozi! Believe it or not, let you roll out here in minutes! Mom!"

The innocent cold eyes looked at the screaming man, the cold scorpion slowly sweeping over the old woman who fell to the ground behind the man and the crying child who had broken the sound, and there was a chilly look. Wipe the meaning.

"Little Wang Ba Lazi! Lao Tzu talks to you! You don't hear anything!" The bully screamed at the innocent, seeing the other side is just a thin young boy, the more arrogant the arrogance!

"I beg us..." The woman who fell behind the innocent body, choked and hugged her child, looked at the innocent back and pleaded, even if she knew it was It’s a half-year-old boy, but she’s already nowhere to go.

Jun did not turn around, just squinted at the bully.

"Mom! Give me this kid! I see who dares to make trouble!" The bully's fierce opening, followed by several of his brawny, immediately rushed to the petite and innocent.

However, everything that happened next, shocked everyone!

I saw those who were rushing to the innocent, who had not yet approached Jun’s step, and the purple aura was shot from the innocent, and the purple aura was turned into a sharp piece in the air. The blade of the sword runs through the hearts of those who have rushed over in an instant!

In an instant, the five strong men fell silently on the ground, and a **** flower bloomed on each of their chests!

However, in the blink of an eye, five strong and healthy men lost their lives. The arrogant bully looked stunned at everything in front of him, and even more shocked, but the purple spirit floating on the innocent !

Purple spirit!

This half-sized teenager turned out to be the legendary purple spirit!

How can this be!

The main heart of the bully is like being sucked in an instant, and the arrogance on the face is crushed in an instant!

The refugees who were afraid of it were even more open-mouthed, looking at the innocent purple spirits, they could not believe what they saw!

The purple spirit that has disappeared into the past 100 years has appeared again in front of their eyes!

Jun innocent eyes slightly picked up, did not look at the body in the pool of blood, the surrounding air spread a thick **** smell, the smell constantly provoked the burning anger in her chest!

"You...who are you in the end..." The bully panicked and killed him. He did not think that this seemingly weak and unprepared boy turned out to be the purple spirit that appeared in the legend. And arrogant, under the light of the purple spirit, was burned to ashes!


Question: For the first time, I saw Jun Ruo in what place? [Ice for three hundred and sixty degrees in ice and snow! I sent the flowers to your couch! Casual meat age! Seeking a monthly ticket! (Qiao Chu: Who! You give me over! I want to talk to you about life!)]

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