Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1465: Rise under the Three Realms 1

The process of enquiry was extremely smooth, and the smooth and unrelenting feelings of the monarchs felt that she did not need to do anything in the future. As long as she had no medicine to go to the 12th house, those people would have to fly over and smash it?

Of course, she just thinks about it. Jun has no way to reveal his identity. It must have his concerns. Moreover, he is not willing to rely on others. August 1 Chinese W≥W=W. 81ZW. COM

From the mouth of the black man, Jun knows that he and the two people on Yunshan are from the Temple of Fire, and the poison they have on the refugees is different from that of the country. It is specially changed. After.

The Inflame Temple is so expensive that it is because the middle three circles are not so flat. The Fire Hall wants to take the opportunity to strengthen the forces and counter the other eleventh halls. Therefore, it is necessary to start from the next three circles, after unifying the next three circles, almost It is possible to monopolize the exploration of the mausoleum of the evil spirits and block the actions of other temples.

"Zhongsanjie is not flat? What does this mean?" asked the innocent eyebrows.

The black man honestly explained.

The Three Central Plains have always been divided into four fields, the four palaces and nine palaces. However, because of the retreat of the evil domain, the original equilibrium situation has been increasingly broken. The 12th Hall intends to suppress the power of the 9th house, and the 9th house has no action. This will make the 12th Hall more stable.

In fact, in addition to the Temple of Fire, the activities of other temples have become more frequent during this time, except that their methods and goals are different from those of the Fire Hall.

The power of the Temple of Fire in the Twelve Halls is growing stronger, and there is courage to make a big move. Other temples can only secretly move some hands and feet.

The Quartet has always been stable, and there is no competition for the world. The Jiugong Palace has suppressed the 12th Temple for a long time. The temples of the 12th Hall are gathering strength and preparing to suppress the 9th house. After the retreat of the evil domain, the only one who can compete for the hegemony is There are only twelve halls and nine palaces. The four parties have been low-key for many years and have never participated in any competition.

This time, the Fire Hall wants to eat a fat man, but it has been disrupted by all the plans.

The black man honestly confided everything he knew, and when he was sent to him on the road, his eyes were actually a little relieved.

"It seems that the Three Realms are not too flat." The enchanting opening of the night charm has not been returned for a long time, but I don’t know what the Chinese Sanjie became.

"Isn't this a good time?" Jun no eyebrows raised his eyebrows slightly, and there was a glimmer of cold in her eyes. She originally wanted to be strong to protect herself and the people she cares for, but now she has this power, but now It’s not just that she is safe in front of her.

The Twelve Halls want to **** the position of the three-dominant hegemony, and they will surely involve the next three circles. The power of the following three circles is not enough to confront the three-tiered world. Even though the innocent does not want to enter this drowning, her family survives. In the next three circles, after she witnessed that the Three Realms treated the Lower Three Realms as chess pieces, she could not bear it.

"Since the three worlds want to reshuffle, it is not as good as... It is also considered that we have a good life in the next three circles." Jun no evil eyes evoked a smile.

Jun has no eyebrows to look at the innocent, "What do you want?"

Jun is innocent: "Not what it is, but let them not think of the next three circles as ants that can be arbitrarily slaughtered in the future."

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