Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1466: Rise under the Three Realms 2

The plan of the Inflammatory Temple was broken by the innocent, and everything in the Qingfeng City was attributed to the original. After the city owner was brought up by the innocent, he was sure to keep his duty and pledge the money he had swallowed before. All of them were used to relieve the refugees. The restrictions on the daily release of three hundred refugees into the city by Qingfeng City were also cancelled, and a large number of refugees poured in. ?八一中文W?W?W?. ?8 (eight) 1 (eight) Z? W (eight). ?COM

When the refugees in the north of the city were grateful for the great grace of the innocent, they did not know that their benefactors had already set foot on their way home.

The roots of the poisoned people are disintegrated, and the number of poisonous people will not increase any more. They are innocent and have no medicine. They have begun to devote themselves to the battlefields and clean up the poisonous people everywhere.

In the lower three circles, there have been frequent reports, and all countries have joined forces to resist the enemy. After the control of the black hands behind the scenes, those poisonous people are like ants who have lost their tentacles. They cannot form effective combat power. The national army will pursue the victory and will poison the people. Completely eliminated from the next three circles.

This battle, from the beginning to the end, took more than a year, until the last poisoned person was eliminated, the talents finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The emergence of the disaster has disrupted the original calm of the next three circles, and the isolation has been completely confused.

Many countries suffered heavy losses. Even when kings died in war, many small countries were destroyed by poisonous people. The advent of victory ushered in the wounds left after the war.

There are more than one hundred countries scattered in the next three realms. However, under the impact of this poisonous army, the country saved is less than half of the original. Even if the king is still there, those countries are already The war is unrecognizable. The poisoned people are based on the birth. The poisoned people who died and the ordinary people who died in the war are from the next three worlds. This disaster has completely broken the long-standing peace of the three worlds.

In this regard, the Three Kingdoms Alliance, which is based on the Yan State, invited the kings of other countries to invite them to the emperor's capital.

After experiencing this great disaster, the countries that have been fortunately preserved have almost received the favor of the three countries' reinforcements. Their trust in the three countries has passed any country in the past.

All the kings of the Lower Three Realms gathered in the Imperial Capital of Yan, and spent seven days in the Imperial Capital. In the seven days, what did they hear and what they saw, no one knows.

The only thing the world knows is that since that seven-day meeting, the next three circles have completely changed!

After returning to China, all the kings announced the abandonment of state ownership at the first time. All countries will not exist. From now on, there is only one left in the eyes of the world.

The Lower Three Realms are thoroughly integrated, and there is no distinction between any countries. The original kings of the countries have given up the emperor's respect and become the elders of the rising land.

The people who lead the entire rising land are mysterious. The lower three worlds only know that they still have a king, but they don't know who the person is.

At the time of the birth of the rising land, people in the lower three worlds also received a shocking news, each of them will have the opportunity to experience the power of purple spirit!

A mysterious method of communication spreads throughout the lower three worlds. It used to be the only secret unique to the Three Kingdoms. At this time, the mysterious veil was unveiled completely down to everyone in the Three Realms.

The Lower Three Realms are quietly changing, and all this is not known to the Central Third World, because the Central Three Realms are also welcoming a new revolution.

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