The top of the mountain is wide open. Because the mountain is flat and the terrain is wide, the whole mountain looks like a vast city. On the top of the mountain, there are not only a wide variety of shops, but also various restaurants to provide accommodation. August 1st? Chinese? Network? W?W (eight) W?. (8) 8 (eight) 1? Z? W (1). ?COM

It’s just to help the excitement of the mountain. It will only last for a few short days. Once the martial arts conference is over, the entire Fuyang Mountain will be isolated from the world. Anyone is allowed to enter, even if it is the disciples of the Yunxiao College. Only in the specific time of each month, will the mountain pass, the rest of the time, no matter what the reason, but anyone who dares to help the mountain shakes has become a fertilizer to nourish this land, and if a disciple dares to leave Go, then he will become the blacklist of Yunxiao College in the future.

Yunxiao College has been built by the two major forces of the Nine Palaces and Twelve Temples, but the latter things are somewhat subtle. No matter how the nine palaces and the 12th house fight, no one dares to take the Yunxiao Academy, even if the cloud The College is located in the most abundant Aoyang Mountain in the middle of the Three Kingdoms, and no one dares to move.

Jun Wuxie found a room to live on the top of the mountain. According to the time calculation, it will take a few days, it is the time for the beginning of the martial arts conference. At that time, not only the elites of the middle three circles will come together. I am afraid that even the people in the 12th Hall will be dispatched.

After all, the advancement of this sacred battle conference is the meaning of the twelve halls.


Because the top of the mountain is wide open, but the place where people can live is very limited, which also causes the lack of rooms. When Jun was not brought to the room by the second child, there are three teenagers sitting in the room. There are four beds in the room that are not too big, and it looks a bit crowded.

The innocent gaze swept through the three faces in the room and quickly sat down on his bed.

They are all young people of similar age, and the purpose of helping the mountain is naturally self-evident.

As a secret competitor, there is nothing to love here.

After sitting for a while, the room was still silent. Two of the teenagers left the room one after the other. When the door was closed, there was only Junjue and a tall and handsome boy in the room.

Innocent sitting on the edge of the bed, quietly black hair to the cat.

The teenager who was in the window by the window suddenly got up and walked toward Jun.

In the closed room, he suddenly extended his hands to the innocent, and he would be innocent...

Hug up.

"Ha ha ha ha! Little evil child! This is all fate!!" The tall teenager smirked and held a circle in the room.

Wandering in the innocent and eager to turn his eyes, but in desperation had to take a picture of the boy's too excited head.

"Two Joe, let me down."

Qiao Chu did not expect that after he and his companions were dismantled, they could still encounter such a sinister incident. How can they live in a temple, and he can collide with Jun? I have to know that he saw the moment of innocence, and almost didn’t jump and cheer.

Fortunately, Jun’s innocence swept the cold eyes and let him understand his situation.

If you want to sneak into the Twelve Halls, they will not be exposed to the familiarity of these "chasing soul nails". Therefore, in front of outsiders, they must maintain a strange state, otherwise they will not have to be scattered everywhere to arrive in different ways. Supporting the mountain.

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