When Joe Chu had enough trouble, he put down the innocent and looked at the little face that was incomprehensible and indifferent. Eight? One? Chinese text network W ≤ W ≈ W =. ≥8=1≈Z≤W≈. =COM

"You are not holding me black, I can't recognize you."

The level of the innocent and easy-to-learn Qiao Chu was seen. The five senses were only slightly changed, but she instantly became another person. Even her own familiar with her was almost unrecognized. There are few teenagers in the world who will hold a black cat running around, not to mention the golden hair on the neck of the black, and will never admit it.

Jun Wuji swept him, although he did not say much, but...

She was very happy to be able to meet Joe Chu here.

"Have you seen other people?" Jun no evil held one hand and supported the chin.

Qiao Chu shook his head. At the beginning, according to the innocence of the monarch, they went out from six different places and at different times. The number of people who came to support the mountain was so great that it was great to meet Jun. Fortunately.

"Ah! Return to the homeland, how do I feel that everything is so strange?" Qiao Chu was lying on the bed and staring at the ceiling. When he was young, he was greatly changed at home. Fortunately, Yan did not return to save him. Escaped from the day of birth, the memory of childhood has gradually dispersed, and everything in the middle three circles makes him feel very strange in his eyes.

"It doesn't matter if you are strange, do you still remember your purpose?"

Qiao Chu bit his teeth, his loose eyes became haze.

"How can I forget the Temple of Fire?"

After all, Qiao Chu was silent for a moment, and suddenly sat up.

"When I came, I met the carriage of the House of All Lives. It seems that the 12th Hall has sent people to help shake the mountain. Your calculation is correct."

Jun is innocent: "Twelve temples want to be big, and even the next three worlds are shot. It is even more impossible to let go of the talents in the middle three circles. Since they personally want to advance the battle, they will not miss such a good opportunity. At that time, you and Huage, as long as they grasp the opportunity, let the 12th Hall lead the wolf into the room."

"Take the wolf into the room? I like this word!" Qiao Chu is eager to try, and the hatred that has been buried in the bottom of my heart has long since vanished.

"At that time, don't show up." Jun Qi looked at Qiao Chu. She was confident about her plan, but she was still worried that Joe Chu would once again face the enemy who killed their parents. The hatred in the heart.

"You can rest assured that I will not destroy your plan." Joe Chu smiled.

Jun innocent and Joe Chu said for a moment, then went out, she and Joe Chu are different, anywhere in the third world is strange to her, she has passed away from the future, nothing to do here Know that all the knowledge is learned from Qiao Chu's mouth.

The area that is temporarily opened in Fuyangshan is the most hotels and shops. It is different from other places. Most of the shops here sell all weapons and medicinal herbs, basically for the purpose of participating in this martial arts conference. The teenagers are ready.

Jun Wuji turned around in it, she didn't know the weapon, but she was very familiar with the drug. She bought a few bottles of medicinal drugs that were advertised as high prices, and looked at them in nowhere, then...

Those medicinal herbs were thrown into the small ditch by the innocent and unrelenting.

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