Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1479: Ling Yao Temple 3

The frivolous young man did not care about the curse of the girl, and surrounded the girl group with her companions. The passers-by on the side met the people who were Yunxiao College. They all dared to speak out and dare to speak. Eight? One? Chinese text network W ≤ W ≈ W =. ≥8=1≈Z≤W≈. =COM

"I have to look at it when I get there. After a while, can you still have such a sharp mouth?" The young man will reach out to the girl.

But just as his finger just touched the girl's clothes corner, a powerful and powerful aura flew to the boy!

The spiritual power that blooms with purple aura is like a star and a moon sweeping past, and the three teenagers are forced to retreat!

However, before everyone else saw everything in front of him, a black shadow had already flashed through the weapon shop, and as the shadow disappeared together, there was also a girl who was almost undressed. Disappeared in place.

The three teenagers who were forced to retreat looked at the direction in which they were standing. A crack in the ground was directly connected to the wall from the ground, and even the steel knives hanging on the wall were cut off by the spiritual power.

The deep tears of the traces made everyone on the side stunned.

In the middle three circles, Zi Ling is not unusual, but the gap between the pseudo-Zi Ling and the real Zi Ling can still be detected, and the strength and weakness of the purple spirit is huge, and the color of spiritual power can no longer represent any meaning.

The lightning-fastness of the man just escaped the eyes of some people in the place. This degree is definitely not something that ordinary people can do.

"Just...who was that..." A disciple of Yunxiao College shook his legs and his teeth trembled. If he had just struck him, he would have to move a step later. Now he is afraid that he will be different.

The contemptuous boy slowed down, and his heart was still a little shocked. "The man is not trying to kill us. It should be to force us to retreat. Xu is the person of Lingyao Temple. Forget it. Today, the little girl is lucky." !"

The scornful boy pretends to be unwilling to open his mouth, but his heart has already been scared by the black shadow. The trick is even more embarrassing than their college tutor. He is only one person selected by Zhulong Temple, and has not yet cultivated. When you finish, even the real purple spirit can't be called, how can you fight against that person?

No matter who the person is, it is not something that they can provoke, and the three teenagers who are still aggressive and besieged the girl will suddenly disappear into the crowd.

Under the moonlight, the purple phantom flashed into the stream, blending into the dark shadows of the night, quietly staying in a jungle.

Zizhen thought that she was going to lose in the hands of the few disciples, but she did not expect that at the last moment, a person suddenly took her away. She clearly remembered the moment when the person took her away. Whispering in the ear.

"do not move."

The cold is heart-warming, but it makes people feel extremely at ease.

She was placed under the tree by the black man and did not have too much contact, which made her feel very at ease.

Innocently sweeping his eyes and looking at the broken clothing on his body, the pickpocket threw the skin he used to cover his ears.

"Thank you..." Zixiao whispered, she couldn't see the face of the savior. She could only look at the slightly thin back, against the moonlight, not tall, even shorter than her. So little.

"I don't know why the seniors are going to save them? The little girl is here, thank you for the help of the seniors."

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