Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1480: Ling Yao Temple 4

Zizi’s strength has not yet broken through Zi Ling, but she can feel the strength of this person in front of her. ? Bayi Chinese network W ≥ W ≤ W ≤. ≥8≈1≥Z≈W≠. ≥C≥O≠M≠

But when the man turned his head slowly and the moonlight fell on the face of the white scorpion, the child stunned.

She never dreamed that the predecessor of the inscrutable strength would be such a young man.

How could it be a teenager?

Zi Yan’s face was full of surprises.

The innocent brow wrinkled slightly, looking at the strange look of the child, faintly said: "You are the person of Ling Yao Temple?"

The child’s body was slightly shocked, and the other’s appearance actually passed her imagination. What did the other party save themselves for? Is it because you are a disciple of Lingyao Temple?

It seems to be aware of the tension of the child, and the ignorance of the ignorant: "Don't worry, I am a friend of the Lingyao Temple."

"If you are a predecessor, I can't understand it. I also ask my predecessors to make it clear." Zizi knows that he is not an innocent opponent, and he has no possibility of escaping. He sits on the ground and looks up at the cold and innocent.

"Lingyao Temple was once ranked in the 12th Hall, but now it is bullied by the reserve youth of the 12th Hall. Is it a bad feeling to be afraid?" Jun has no faint scent, and his tone is not bad.

Zi Yan’s face could not help but ugly, and his hands were squatting on the grass.

"Is it very angry?" Jun looked at the ignorance of the fire, and slowly said: "The former king has fallen to the end of the dog who was beaten by the opponent. Have you ever thought about resisting?"

The child bite his teeth, even though he felt that he should not say this to a stranger, but the innocent words satirize each of her nerves.

"Who doesn't want to resist! You are not us, how do you know that there is no resistance in the temple of Lingyao! It is the group of the 12th house that is too deceiving!" The accident of Lingyao Temple made the strength greatly reduced, and it was not enough to recuperate. It was the suppression of the Twelve Temples. After the millennium, the once-in-a-lifetime Lingyao Temple no longer existed. As Jun said, the disciples of these Lingyao Temples will be carefully scolded by the Master when they go out. The identity of his own Lingyao Temple was afraid of being killed by the twelve temples.

This time, I happened to pass the sacred meeting, and I was ready to take a look at the situation. However, I heard that some people had slandered and slandered the sisters of Ling Xiaoge, and she could not help but shoot.

"So now, if there is an opportunity to revenge you, would you be happy?" Jun innocently squats, his eyes on the relatives.

Zi Yan saw his reflection in the cold scorpion, so clear.

"Who are you in the end?" The child suddenly felt a little cold, and the eyes had a hint of chill.

"I don't matter who I am. What's important is that I can help you get what you want." Jun nodded slightly up, raised his right hand, in the middle of her right hand, a white and red halo surround.

The child looked at the two halo of the strange colors, and she was familiar with the breath. That is clearly the breath of the spirit.

But... In this world, how can someone have two ring spirits at the same time?

This is simply not possible.

"Ling Yao Temple... No... I don't accept the male guest..." The son swallowed the swallow, and said it for a long time.

Jun Wu's eyebrows are slightly picking, and directly pull up the small hand of the child to his chest!

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