Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1514: Small gathering 1

After that, it was chosen by those who were chosen and wanted to be loyal. Bayi Chinese Network W≠W=W≈. ≈8=1≠Z≠W. COM

After the immortal returned to the restaurant, the nightingale and the night alone appeared.

"After Missy left, the Twelve Temples sent some people to follow up, but now they have been slain back by Su Jingyan."

"Su Jingyan said that he is not a member of the Twelve Halls, then he is the person of the Nine Palaces?" Jun no evil, holding his head with one hand, looked at the nightingale and asked.

The nocturnal nod, "The totem on the chest of Su Jingyan is the symbol of the Sirius Palace in the Jiugong."

"The Sirius Palace." Jun innocent eyes blinked.

"This martial art conference is a proposal of the 12th Temple. The 9th house is only a bystander and will participate, but it will not select talents. In fact, it has been inquired before the subordinates. Jiugong has not selected in the recent martial arts conferences. Anyone who seems to be interested in handing over the choice of the Confession to the Twelve Halls.” The Nightingale reported the news he had received to Jun.

The eyes of the innocent are slightly picked up.

The Twelve Halls have already wanted to compete for more power and brazenly powerful forces. This kind of ambition is unlikely to be seen.

However, the words of the nightingale made her feel a little strange.

The Nine Palaces could not have known the ambitions of the Twelve Temples, but they did not have any reaction. The practice of the Nine Palaces seemed to be like the indulgence of the Twelve Temples.

What is this for?

This is extremely unreasonable.

Who would be happy to see others peeping at their status?

"According to the observation, Jiugong this time, each palace only sent one person to participate in this martial arts conference, and in the talent venue, it seems that only the one of the Sirius Palace." Night sighs.

"What is the Jiugong Palace thinking about?" The more innocent, the more he guessed the plan of the Nine Palace.

“Do you need your subordinates to inquire again?” said the night.

Jun no evil shook his head.

The purpose of her visit to the Three Kingdoms is to find the troubles of the Twelve Halls, and then go to the ghost world to find the soul of the father. Since the Nine Palaces acted in a low-key manner, before there was no conflict, the innocent people did not intend to establish more enemies for themselves.

However, although Jiugong intends to let the 12th house grow up, but from today's Su Jingyan blocking the 12th hall, the person who tracks the 12th hall can follow this point. You can feel it without the evil spirits. The Jiugong Palace is not completely laissez-faire, and they have provisions. Will come forward to stop the misbehavior of the 12th Hall.

And this is enough for Jun.

"For the time being, if you have nothing to do, please contact me to contact them." Jun no evil touched the chin, everything is going forward according to her plan, the first day of the fight is just the beginning, pick up The good play that came down will not be interrupted.

It was just the attitude of the Nine Palaces that made her have to think more about some issues.

"Tell them, to avoid the eyes and ears of others tonight, come to me, there is something to discuss." Jun is innocent.

"Yes!" Nightingale and night are alone.

The two quickly left the room where Jun was innocent, and went to contact the little friends who were innocent on the Fuyang Mountain.

When the night fell, the hustle and bustle of the whole day, the hills were calm, and the teenagers who had been excited for a whole day fell into sleep with their tiredness.

Several figures walked through the night and headed in the same direction.

Innocent sitting in the room, heard the slight footsteps outside the door, she went to the door, opened the door, and suddenly saw the flower bed standing in front of her door.

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