Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1515: Xiaoju 2 seeking monthly ticket

"It seems that I am the first one?" Hua Yu walked into the room and looked at the room, whispering. ????? 中?文W?W?W?. (a) 8 (one) 1? Z (eight) W?. (8) C?O (eight) M

"You have been." Jun said bluntly.

The flowerbed sat down on the chair next to it, but there was no smile on the face, but the bottom of the eye was a little gentle.

In a short while, several figures appeared in front of the door of the innocent, but for a moment, Qiao Chu, Fan Zhuo, non-smoke, and Rong Ruo rushed over.

Six small partners, after a period of separation, met again, each with a little smile on their faces.

"Which temple did you go to? I didn't see you all?" When Joe Chu was seated, he hurriedly asked other people. He went to the spiritual meeting place. The spell was the level of spiritual power. He thought about it before. In total, there are four venues. They have six people. The talented venue will definitely not go except for the flower garden. The medical conference venue is also a special event.

The rest of him, non-smoke, Vatican, and Rong Ruo, will be scattered to the spiritual venue and the spiritual venue. How can he meet one?

As a result, he hardly saw one.

"I went to the Lingling venue." Non-smoke shrugged.

"I am spiritual." Rong Ruodao.

"Me too." The flowerbed also followed.

"I went to the spiritual venue." Van Gogh said.

Joe Chu stunned.

"Where are you going to the spiritual meeting with you?" But why didn't I see you?"

This is impossible!

"I am older than you." Flower.

"I am also earlier than you." Rong Ruo shrugged.

"How do you know that you are older than me!!" Joe Chu was angry.

"Because when we entered, I saw that you were carrying a piece of pancakes in the direction of the venue." Rong Ruo was puzzled by Qiao Chu.

Qiao Chu opened his mouth and suddenly disappeared.

He started late in the morning, so the time to enter the venue was also late.

Van Gogh looked at Joe Chu's appearance and chuckled, and turned to look at Jun innocent: "Xiao Xie went to the medical field?"

Jun no evil shook his head.

"Where have you been?" asked Vatican.

"Genius." Jun has no calm and calm mouth.

For a time, everyone’s eyes fell on the innocent.

"Little evil, you go... talented place? Why?" Qiao Chu couldn't understand the innocence of the innocent. In the case of no evil, going to any venue would be more cost-effective than the talent venue, but why did she choose? One of the most unsuitable venues for yourself?

They all know that the innocent is from the next three worlds, and the talent meeting place is prepared for members of all races. There is no such thing as a young lady, Wang Fu, who went there... It seems a bit ridiculous to see.

"I used the soul to fix the law." Jun Wuxue knew the doubts of the little friends, and did not sell the customs, directly said it.

"You used the soul to fix the law?" Fan Zhuo’s eyes showed a strange look. They all knew the things of the soul and the law. The magical things once made them very interested. They also tried the soul drawn according to the innocence. The solid method imitates it, but even if it is drawn exactly the same, but there is no special effect drawn by the innocence.

"The things of the soul solid method can be big or small. After all, this thing can only be used by one person, and the power is very different. If it is stared at the twelve temples, isn't it..." Fan Zhuo's face showed a trace of worry, the 12th temple The style of action is not moderate.

Jun Wuwei slightly raised his eyebrows: "What I want is to be stared at them."

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