Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1521: Grab people 3

Several people in the temple have all said that they are innocent, and others are naturally unable to sit still. One by one, they will express their will to show that the time of the innocent eyes has received invitations from all the temples of the Twelve Temples. August 1st? Wenwang?W≈W≤W. 81ZW. COM

This situation has never happened before.

In the face of such a sought-after scene, the other nine teenagers were dumbfounded. They thought they would be welcomed by the 12th Hall. The people who saw the 12th Hall were so polite to go out. They thought they had made good luck, but they did not. I think that these good fortune is actually a person who is innocent! !

Why do you **** too many people, and the elders of the 12th Hall are all prepared. You say a word to me, and you can't help each other, and you can't wait for others to step on the mud, showing the power of your temple.

The more they robbed the more lively, the more the youngsters who were left out were stunned, watching the twelve halls in order to invite the innocent and you robbed me, while the parties, but stood faceless, this A few teenagers hate the teeth and itch, but they dare not face the face of the twelve temples.

Su Jingyan smiled and looked at the twelve temples. He slowly walked to the side of the innocent, laughing: "Little devil, you are very popular."

Each of the twelve temples sent elders, which shows that they attach importance to the solid law of the soul. Today, no matter which temple is chosen by the innocent, it is bound to make the other eleventh halls dissatisfied.

"It’s not a good thing to be too popular. In the future, no matter which temple you choose, you must practice in Yunxiao College for a while before entering the temple. If you offend other temples, you will suffer if you are not satisfied." Su Jingyan When you touch the chin, the people in the 12th Hall can not be considered to be generous and tolerant. They can't get it, and naturally they are not willing to let others get it.

In the partiality of the three realms, the only one who knows the soul and solidifies the law is the innocent one. Even if the ordinary person has such a mind, I am afraid that I cannot master it.

Jun has no eyes to look at Su Jingyan, I don’t know if he is kind or purely optimistic.

"Don't look at me like this, I just have a mouthful." Su Jingyan smiled and opened her eyes, and the eyes that could be seen could not see the emotion in his eyes.

"However, if I were you, I would definitely choose the Temple of Fire. Although the strength between the 12 Temples is similar, but in terms of strength, the current Temple of Fire has stabilized the other temples. If you want to Looking for a good place, the Temple of Fire is not bad, at least they will choose a lot of outstanding teenagers in this martial arts conference. Even if they enter the Yunxiao College in the future, those who choose the Temple of Fire will listen to them. You, then you have a little dependence, isn't it?" Su Jingyan looks like a good idea.

Jun No Evil looked at Su Jingyan did not speak, the attitude of Jiugong really makes people feel weird.

Among the twelve temples, the Inflammatory Temple has the strongest strength, but even if Jun is innocent and really intends to sneak into the 12th Hall, it will definitely not choose the Temple of Fire.

Not for anything else, the hatred on the single cloud mountain has already made her and the flaming hall stand out.

"If the Sirius Palace is so casual, it would be better to choose a few people." Jun is not cold and not hot.

Su Jingyan looked at Jun's innocent glimpse and immediately laughed out.

"What? Little guy, are you trying to enter our Sirius Palace?"

"No interest." Jun was innocent and looked at the twelve temples, and her hand quietly touched the sleeves.

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