Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1522: Grab people 4

"You, have you talked enough?" The sound of the innocent voice sounded loudly in the venue. In August 1st, the text network? W≥W=W≠. ≤8≥1≤Z≤W≥. ≤C≤O≠M

The twelve people who had earned their blushing neck and thick neck immediately turned their eyes to the innocent body. In the two battle halls, the same person in the two halls was not a minority, but basically they would choose the right time. Handed over to the selected, of course, this is not their pleasure, but the rules of the squad.

Nowadays, the twelve halls have expressed their interest in the innocence of the king. There are quite a few temples that can be chosen by the innocent. The twelve halls also look at one person at the same time, and it is really rare.

"Sorry, I have already chosen, I want to enter the temple." Jun innocently looked at the twelve temples, slowly.


When I heard Jun No Evil, everyone said that everyone came to the spirit.

The teenagers who were completely neglected secretly gritted their teeth, and they couldn’t wait for Jun’s innocence to hurry and choose to hurry, and she was there. The days of their arrogance in the weekdays were as thoroughly ignored as dust.

There is a saying that goods are more than goods to be thrown, people are more popular than people, they do not want to stand with Jun Wuji!

Jun Qiu slowly took out a jade from the sleeves and looked up at the people who looked forward to the eyes: "At the end of the game, someone gave me this thing, and what I chose was the owner of the object. temple."

The innocent words made the people of the 12th Hall stunned, and they subconsciously looked at the jade.

However, after seeing the jade, the faces of the elders of the twelve temples became white in an instant.

"Little devil, do you know that you don't know who is in your hand?" The original face of the Purple Lei Dian, which had been sold in the past, has become somewhat gloomy.

Jun innocent will be jade in the sleeves, slightly looking up at the elders who are unhappy: "The Lord of the Temple of Lingyao."

"The little devil, you are young and ignorant, we don't care about you, your ability is not bad, where is the Lingyao Temple, don't you know? A temple that has no place to stand in, you have to choose it?" The elder brow wrinkled and felt that this kid is not crazy or stupid.

They have invited her to the 12th house. She can let go and choose, but she chose the worst result!

Lingyao Temple, the temple that was smashed from the Twelve Temples more than a thousand years ago, was crushed by them for nearly a thousand years, and now it is only the head of the Lingyao where the head and the tail are living. Even the fools know that Choosing Lingyao Palace is definitely a wrong choice.

Jun Wuxie did not pay attention to the question of the elders of the floating temple. She just turned her head and looked at Su Jingyan who had been watching the play.

“Lingyao Palace once had the right to choose the Confucian Congress?”

Su Jingyan, who always looked at the wall, did not expect that Jun No Evil would suddenly throw this problem to him. The smile on his face instantly showed a solidification. His narrow eyes were half-squinting and looking at the small face of Jun Qingxie, some touched What is the meaning of this little ghost?


"Lingyao Temple naturally has this right." Su Jingyan smiled at the opening, although Jiugong will not intervene in the 12th Hall to recruit soldiers, but this does not prevent him from mixing.

Su Jingyan’s words made the elders of the 12th Hall extremely ugly. They looked at Su Jingyan’s dissatisfaction but did not dare to say anything.

After all, Su Jingyan is one of the nine palaces, the people of the Sirius Palace!

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