Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1527: Yunxiao College 4

That person’s words instantly made a group of teenagers stupid. ? Bayi Chinese Network W (a) W (eight) W?. (8) 8?1 (a) Z?W?. ?C (one) OM

Don't provoke you to be innocent? why? !

A group of teenagers looked at the man in a stupid, confused face.

Innocent people have refused the invitation of the Inflammatory Temple in public. According to the past behavior of the Fire Hall, it is not that they should take care of the innocent meal in Yunxiao College. How... suddenly became like this?

The people of the Inflammatory Temple did not explain much. After explaining the words, they sank to the side.

The teenagers are stupid, but they dare not ask more. They can only close their mouths and their hearts are full of puzzles.

It is Joe Chu, laughing in my heart.

The little evil child is really good!

All the selected teenagers gathered outside the Yunxiao College for a long time. Although the gates of Yunxiao College were open, no one dared to enter at will.

In the middle three circles, various colleges and universities have emerged in an endless stream. Whether it is the Twelve Halls or the Nine Palaces, all the forces have their own support colleges, and many of their disciples have also been promoted from their own support colleges.

The college supported by the Twelve Halls and the Nine Palaces has great advantages over the general colleges, but the only one, but the more, has become the most special and top-level institution in the Middle Three!

There is Yunxiao College over there.

Yunxiao College does not belong to any force, but it has inextricably linked with the Twelve Halls and the Nine Palaces.

It is located in the most aura of the Three Kingdoms Aura, and it is the scope of the Yunxiao College. It is outside the Open Day and the Shendou Conference. Most of the people who dare to rush to support the mountain are not going back. Although Yunxiao College is not a party, it also has a fearful deterrent.

The teenagers from Yunxiao College are far superior to the teenagers in other colleges.

Just because Yunxiao College has an unwritten rule.

Those who enter Yunxiao College will never end their cultivation before they meet the standards of the college. This means that from the first day that the teenagers entered Yunxiao College, they were tied to the cloud. In the college, unless they reach the standards of Yunxiao College, Yunxiao College will let them leave, otherwise they will never leave even if they die in the college!

Every time the Divine Conference, the Twelve Halls and the Nine Palaces will put a large number of youngsters into Yunxiao College, but the number of people who can really get out of Yunxiao College is only a few, and some people spend ten years. It is also unable to meet the standards of Yunxiao College and has been locked up in Yunxiao College.

Even the people of the Twelve Halls and the Nine Palaces came out to ask for it, and Yunxiao College completely ignored it.

Those who are sent to Yunxiao College must follow the rules of Yunxiao College!

This is a college that is good, but not good.

It is also the only way to refine the twelve halls and the nine palaces.

Anyone who can graduate from Yunxiao College will have excellent piety in the various temples in the future. With the brand of Yunxiao College, they will start higher than others!

Even though I know the potential hardships of Yunxiao College, the teenagers who are eager to seek a good future are still going to the sacred meeting. They want to go out from the Yunxiao Academy and step into the glory of the sky!

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