Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1528: Not so simple 1

When the sun is empty, the gates of Yunxiao College are empty, and the waiting teenagers are anxious but they dare not say more. They can only wait in the hot sun. ?八一中文网W≠W≥W≥. ≥8≠1≠Z=W≈. ≥C≥O≈M

After a long time, a man slowly walked to the front door of Yunxiao College. His appearance made the teenagers who were waiting for the spirit come to the spirit immediately.

The man swept his eyes and looked around. His eyes narrowed slightly when he passed the innocent, but he did not trace his eyes. After looking around for a week, he said: "All of you are planning to enter Yunxiao College today. I will not say more, only one person who enters Yunxiao College, unless it meets the standards of Yunxiao College, no one can leave, there will be one day open every month, but only passed the monthly assessment. Those who are qualified to leave the free movement of the college, I hope you can think clearly. From the time you step into Yunxiao College, you must abide by the rules of Yunxiao College. If anyone has any dissatisfaction and doubts, now you can go back. It is."

The voice of the man was not big, but it was clearly passed to everyone's ears.

The weird rules of Yunxiao College have long been remembered, and the nature that dares to come will not give up such an opportunity.

After waiting for a while, none of the teenagers gathered outside Yunxiao College left.

After waiting for a while, the man was indifferent: "You can go to college with me now."

After saying that they turned and left, the people in the temple immediately urged the teenagers to enter the college soon. All the teenagers went with the teenagers in the same hall. Only the innocent people walked alone at the end of the team and did not reveal. The slightest bail-out.

Su Jingyan stood under the big tree outside Yunxiao College. He looked at the back of the crowd, and he still had a fox-like smile on his face. He touched his chin and whispered softly.

"I always feel that there will be good plays in the future."

A group of teenagers were led into Yunxiao College, their hearts were boiling, and a pair of eyes could not help but look around.

Yunxiao College is a huge area. It is not so much a college. It is a small city. In the college, the lofts of the gift-giving are simple and generous. You can see many in the attic. The teenagers of the college costumes come and go, their eyes are indifferent, and they don’t care about the teenagers who have just entered, as if the newborns simply don’t exist.

There was silence in the big college. Only the footsteps lingered in the ears of the teenagers. They were eager to think, but they dared not say anything here. They could only follow the men’s step by step with their own blood.

Eventually they were taken to a loft, the white white attic stood shoulder to shoulder, and looked very neat.

The leader of the team stopped in front of the attic and turned to look at the teenagers behind him.

"Now, according to the venue where you were in the previous session." The man raised his finger and divided the four categories of spirituality, spirituality, medicine and talent into several areas.

The teenagers who originally held the regiment according to the power of each temple were immediately divided by this method. However, after the division, they gathered together with their companions, and the intention of holding the group was very obvious.

At this time, from the attic in front of them, three men came out again. They stood in the forefront of the three teams of spiritual power, spirituality and medical skills.

"Now the people who are good teams are following the people in front of you." The man said.

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