Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1530: Not so simple 3

"The Royal Soul?" the man asked again. ?八一中文W?W?W?. ?8 (eight) 1 (eight) Z? W (eight). ?COM

Jun no evil and nodded.

It is rare for a man to have a stern face.

"You are the first sorcerer to be recruited by Yunxiao College. There is no test for you here." The man looked at Jun.


Jun No Essence thinks of the teenagers who are divided according to race. Is it a dark cave, is it a test for them?

What is the situation in Yunxiao College? It is a secret for many people. Even those who have come out of Yunxiao College are not talking about everything in Yunxiao College. The college and the Fenghua College have stayed, but it is obvious that Yunxiao College is different from the two colleges.

At least, in those two colleges, it is impossible to hear about the innocence, what is just the beginning of school, and the test that is carried out when everyone is confused.

"However, I heard that your soul is solid to consume soul power?" The man looked at the innocent.

"Yes." Jun is innocent.

"There is a place, maybe it will suit you." The man suddenly turned and walked in the other direction, and Jun Wu directly followed the past.

The man did not put the sinlessness into any cave, but took her to a front door. The door looked a little worn and seemed to have never been opened. It stood on both sides of the gate with two Yunxiao colleges. People, they saw the men coming, nodded to each other, turned and opened the dilapidated door.

The open door was dark and nothing could be seen. A long-lasting smell of dust came out of the door.

"This is for the soul body. You only need to complete a task after you go in, even if you pass the customs." The man looked at the innocent and seriously said, "There is a lot of things scattered on the ground, you just need to put them back to the shelf." You can click on the door after the completion. They will check if you are finished. If you can't finish it, you must stay in it. Only after you finish, you can have a dormitory in Yunxiao College. ""

What are you doing? This task sounds simple, but it is innocent but does not ignore the subtleties of the man's words.

What will it be for the soul?

Things are just as simple as not being imagined.

Jun did not open the mouth, but looked at the man and walked in toward the door. After she entered, the two people immediately closed the door.

"Tianze tutor, this is the ... is that the king?" After the threshold was closed, the two men who stood outside the door couldn't help but look at the man who was brought in by the innocent - Tian Ze.

Tianze nodded slightly.

One of them was a bit confused: "Isn't I heard that she is a sorcerer? Is it really okay to let her go here? Here is..."

Tianze shook his head and said: "This is what adults mean."

The two showed a strange look after hearing the word "adult", but they did not dare to ask more, just looked at each other.

"You are watching here, if there is any problem, then go to find me, if it is okay, then she will go." Tian Ze confessed.


Tian Ze nodded with satisfaction and looked away with a serious face, however...

After turning around, Tian Ze’s face showed a trace of uncertainty.

Really no problem?

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