Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1531: Weird room 1

Innocently entered the room, and the door was closed. The originally dark room was illuminated by several fires in an instant. ? Bayi Chinese Network W (a) W (eight) W?. (8) 8?1 (a) Z?W?. ?C (one) OM

At the four corners of the room, an oil lamp was hung from each other, and the fire swayed. I don’t know where it started, and the warm fire illuminates everything in the room.

The whole room was not big. There were rows of wooden frames on the three walls of the room. Each floor was covered with dust, but it was empty.

The innocent eyes fell to the ground. On the wooden floor, some palm-sized crystal **** were scattered in a mess. It was a long time that no one had ever come, and those crystal **** were covered with a layer of dust.

Looking at it, the number of crystal **** scattered on the floor of the room is about dozens, scattered and scattered everywhere.

"Hey." The black cat appeared on the innocent shoulder. It swayed its furry tail and looked at the crystal ball on the ground. A pair of eyes smashed and suddenly jumped from the innocent shoulders. Go to a crystal ball and carefully smell it.

"I don't see what these are." The black cat turned to look at Jun.

"If you do it, you can do it." Jun is innocent and faint. This Yunxiao College has some doorways. Before Jun No Evil, he spent two colleges. He worshipped Yan at the Fengqi College and did not belong to the teacher. Yan did not return to her. More, but gave her the water of Tianquan, who cultivated the sacred snow lotus. Before she was in the tomb of the evil emperor, she had already found all the medicinal herbs, and arranged the medicinal herbs for Yan, which solved the pain in him.

In Fenghua College, in addition to learning from the art of Gu Lijun, there is no science next to it.

I don't know why, she always feels that this trip to Yunxiao College may bring her a lot of gains.

After the innocent, he bent down to get the crystal ball at his feet, but the scene that made her strange was unexpectedly appeared!

Her slender fingers passed directly through the dusty crystal ball, and there was no feeling of foreign body in her hand!

How is this going?

The innocent eyes flashed a bit strange, she tried to touch the crystal ball again, but the result was the same.

Her hand is like passing through a phantom, passing directly through the crystal ball.

The crystal ball is so clear in front of me, why can't she touch it? There is doubt in the heart of the innocent.

Could it be that it is a phantom?

The little black cat looked at the weird phenomenon of the innocent encounter, and couldn’t help but stretch out his claws and touch the crystal ball in front of him.

The black kitten's claws were gently pushed, and the crystal ball in front of the black cat immediately forced to roll forward toward the front.

The black cat’s eyes suddenly smashed.


It actually came across!

The black cat raised his claws incredibly, and it was really stained with dust on the fur of his claws, which was obviously smashed from the crystal ball of the talent!

"I... I met??" The black cat felt incredible. It looked at the dust on his claws and looked at the innocent.

How is this going? The crystal ball that Jun did not touch, the black cat easily touched it?

"I...try this again?" The black cat looked at the confusion of the innocent eyes, and licked the tail, moving the claw toward the crystal ball at the innocent foot.


The crystal ball rolled over the wooden floor, giving a dull and clear sound.

"..." The black cat is a little dumbfounded.

This is not a problem with the ball!

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