Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1532: Quirky room 2

Jun Wuxie looked at the rolling crystal ball and rubbed his eyes. She tried to touch it again, but the result was the same and could not be touched. August 1 Chinese W? W (a) W (eight). (8) 8 (eight) 1? Z? W?. (8) C (eight) O?M

Jun Wuxu remembered what Tian Ze had said before she entered the house.

This room was originally prepared for the soul.

The innocent eyes slowly moved to those crystal balls.

These crystal balls, she can't touch, but the black cats can, it is very likely that these crystal **** can only touch the soul.

The spirit of the evil spirits that Jun said to the outside world has its own soul power, and the soul used in the solid method is also the soul force, but now the king is innocent but feels that... he seems to be pitted by his own words.

If you want to put these crystal **** on the shelf, you must have the power of the soul.

Jun Nothing takes a deep breath and slowly infuses the spiritual power into his hands. According to the method of the more spiritual technique, he transforms the spiritual power into a little bit of power. When he used this method, he was innocent. I feel that I am wasting my energy, but I have not thought that I will use it one day...

The hands were covered by the power of the converted soul, and it was once again close to the crystal balls. She reached out and slowly approached a crystal ball, and this time, she finally touched the crystal ball!

But just as her finger just touched the crystal ball, she felt a strong suction, and the soul force that attached her to her hands was instantly exhausted!

At the same time that the soul power disappeared, the innocent fingers were worn through the crystal ball.

"..." Jun looked at his fingers through the crystal ball, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

These crystal **** are not only able to touch the soul, but even more terrible, they themselves will absorb the power of the soul!

If this is replaced by the soul, it may not be so obvious. After all, the soul itself is the source of the soul. The soul of the soul is like the spiritual power in the human body. It may not be obvious when it is absorbed by the crystal ball. .

However, the soul of the hands of the innocent, but she was transformed with a lot of spiritual power, can not last for so long.

If you want to pick up so many crystal **** one by one and put them on the shelf, you will have to continuously transform the spiritual power into the power of the soul. This will be a process that is extremely spiritual.

"What the **** is this!" The black cat snorted and irritatedly took the crystal **** one by one.

Jun did not speak, she just stood there silently, looked at her hands, and once again converted the spiritual power, trying to pick up a crystal ball.

In the moment of touching the crystal ball, Jun felt that the soul power of his transformation was consumed with extremely terrible degree. In order to maintain the soul, she could only transform the spiritual power.

From touching the crystal ball to holding the crystal ball up, the spiritual power of the innocent consumption is no less than a big battle. Fortunately, she has now reached the level of the purple spirit level four, otherwise she even picks up the crystal ball. No time.

Jun did not dare to have a trace of slack, while holding the crystal ball, she immediately walked to the side of the shelf, put the crystal ball in the hand.

For a short time, the consumption of spiritual power is amazing.

Looking at it, the crystal **** scattered in the room are tantamount to a huge test of the innocence.

How much power does it take to put them on the shelf one by one?

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