Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1536: Wonderful College 3

"Is there nothing? I don't think you have gone out in the past few days. I have some food here. I will take it for you. August 1 Chinese W? W (1) W (eight). (8) 8 (eight) 1? Z? W?. (8) C (eight) O? M" charming girl Smiling at the innocent, shaking the food box in his hand.

Jun was indifferent and looked at the girl who suddenly showed her a girl. She had seen this girl, and she seemed to be selected by the Bloody Temple. She stayed with the **** temple when she entered school.

The strength of the Bloody Temple is comparable to that of the Inflammatory Temple. The Fire Hall has a slight advantage, but after losing two elders in succession, this advantage has been tied by the Bloody Temple.

If it is said that among the twelve temples, the two most powerful points are only the Temple of Fire and the Temple of Blood.

If there is no mistake in the innocent, then the ancient shadow in Fenghua College seems to be sent by the Bloody Temple.

The indifference of the innocent did not affect the girl, the smile on the girl’s face did not change, and she said: “These days, people who are afraid of Yunxiao College will not come to control us. I heard that before everyone passed the test. We all have to be self-sufficient. I happen to live on this floor. It’s just opposite you. It’s fate. My name is Gu Xinyi. If you eat these, you will accept it, otherwise you will be hungry.”

Gu Xin’s face is charming and charming, and the smile is pure and beautiful. It gives people a very affectionate feeling. I don’t know why. Jun’s innocent seeing Gu Xin’s pure smile suddenly reminds me of Qu Lingyue.

In the past, Qu Lingyue laughed and was so innocent and pure, without any troubles or worries.

The innocent gaze stayed on the face of Gu Xinyu for a moment, and she took it back. She said faintly: "No."

Gu Xinyi did not give up: "Look at your body bones so thin, if you are hungry, you can't go wrong. Yunxiao College is not an ordinary college. I want to practice here. There is no good body, but it can't be done."

Saying, Gu Xinyi put his own food box in the arms of the innocent, and then stepped back a few steps. He did not give the opportunity to reject the innocent, and he waved his hand.

"You eat first. If it is not enough, I will give you some more in the future. I will leave first." After the talk, Gu Xinyi did not return, and the teenager who followed her saw the innocent look. Then I followed the past.

The boy did not open his mouth from beginning to end, and his face was still a bit cold, and his eyes were not friendly.

Jun Wuxu looked at the food box that had been stuffed in his hand, and frowned slightly. He did not throw it away, but took it into the room and closed the door.

After a short walk, Gu Xinyi turned his head and heard the empty door in front of the door. He couldn’t help but smile a little.

"Xin Yan, why are you so good to that kid? You didn't see people at all, you won't lead you?" The handsome young man's brow wrinkled and looked at Gu Xin's eyes and smiled.

Gu Xinyi took back his gaze and looked at the unhappy boy.

"It doesn't matter if you don't lead me. Haoyu, when can your brain become smarter? If you are so stupid, in the future, at Yunxiao College, you will be yours, I will be mine, The two are irrelevant." The smile on the face of Gu Xin’s face dissipated, and some looked at Lin Haoyu with impatience.

Lin Haoyu opened his mouth and looked at the unpleasant Gu Xinyu on the face, and suddenly he was short of breath.

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