Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1537: Wonderful College 4

"I don't mean that. I just think... that kid is too rude. You give her a good and kind meal. She doesn't say a thank you, but she still has such a stinky face. Look?" Lin Haoyu did not dare to provoke Gu Xin, who was unhappy and could only euphemistically express his dissatisfaction. August 1st? Chinese?? W (a) W?W?. ?8?1ZW. COM

Gu Xin嫣 sneered: "What do you know. The only one in the Three Kingdoms is the Yushou, the only one who knows the soul and the Guru, and is the only one in the previous Confucianism Conference who was invited by all the temples of the 12th Hall. Do you think that Jun is not an ordinary character?"

Lin Haoyu licked his mouth. "How about that? She is unique, she is not blind, she refused the invitation of the 12th Temple, but accepted the Lingyao Temple. This is not an idiot. Who knows the world, Lingyao Temple Already in name only, which fool will choose Lingyao?"

"What did you choose before Jun, it doesn't matter, don't you understand?" Gu Xinyi was somewhat impatient: "How about she chose Lingyao before entering Yunxiao College? The important thing is that she left When choosing Yunxiao College, choose which temple."

Gu Xin’s words gave Lin Haoyu a slight glimpse.

"Xin Yan, are you..."

Gu Xinyi chuckled, "The soul of the soul, the soul of the solid, this kind of thing, before which temple is not there, now the temple of the devil has broken two elders, it is the rise of the **** temple. Timing, as the daughter of the Lord of the Bloody Temple, I naturally have to worry about my father."

Gu Xinyi’s identity is different from that of other people. She herself comes from the Bloody Temple. The reason why she will come to participate in the God Fighting Conference is to have her purpose.

Lin Haoyu looked at Gu Xinyi and nodded slightly.

"Well, if you understand the best, don't drag my hind legs in the future." Gu Xin saw Lin Haoyu understand, and he smiled with satisfaction, and waved his hand to call Lin Haoyu to leave.

Jun no evil returned to the room, put the food box gifted by Gu Xinyi in the corner of the room, there is no meaning to open.

Gu Xin’s plan is clear and clear.

When she walked into the sight of the Twelve Halls, she had already released her own bait. Gu Xin wanted what she wanted, but she did not intend to pay attention.

There is only one point, so I don’t care about it.

"Gu Xin Yan, ancient shadow." Jun no evil eyes slightly picked up, she did not ignore this coincidence.

The ancient surnames of Gu Xin and the ancient shadows are the same, and among the **** temples, there are very few people who can crown the ancient surname. Only the lord of the temple has this honor.

If there is no guess in the innocence, whether it is Gu Xinyi or the ancient shadow that appeared in Fenghua College before, it should have an extraordinary relationship with the **** temple master, just the appearance and ancient shadow of Gu Xin’s temple. Not similar, otherwise it is very likely to be a brother and sister.

Jun no evil sitting at the table, watching the food box that she discarded in the corner.

No matter how ancient Xin Xin’s smile is like Qu Lingyue, the calculations in her eyes cannot be hidden.

However, since the people in the **** temple can't stand it, why don't she push the boat?

In Yunxiao College, she still thought that she could not harm the 12th Temple, but now it seems that it is not impossible.

"Gu Xin Yan." Jun no evil with one hand holding the chin, the corner of his mouth suddenly evoked a shallow smile.

When calculating other people, you can be careful, don't be counted by others.

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