Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1572: Sorry, we are not familiar with 3

Such a luxurious lineup quickly attracted the attention of many people. The teenagers who wandered around the lake quickly gathered at the pavilion and raised their eyes with their eyes, trying to witness the coming gossip. Bayi Chinese Network W≈W≠W=. =8=1≥Z≠W≥. ≈C≤O≥M≈

People are here, but the atmosphere in the pavilion is a bit strange.

It can be said that none of the people sitting in the pavilion today is not a dragon or a phoenix. Even in terms of appearance, it is also a beautiful landscape.

In addition to the handsome and innocent Lin Haoyu, the others pull out one that is enough to attract everyone's attention.

Qiao Chu’s wildness, the indifference of the flower, the gentleness of Rong Ruo, the son of Fan Zhuo, and the beautiful non-smoking and beautiful Gu Xin’s face, this combination makes people unable to take their eyes off. .


If the atmosphere between them is not **** for tat, the situation may be more pleasing.

Everyone has arrived, and Gu Xin’s secretly looks at a few young girls who are not familiar with them, with a hint of emotion in their hearts.

These five people can be said to be the five most outspoken people in this martial arts conference. The Bloody Temple has invited each of them, but unfortunately, none of them accepted it, even the innocent It was also an invitation to reject the **** temple and chose the Lingyao Temple.

This is a big regret of the Bloody Temple. Gu Xin couldn't help but think that if these six people accepted the invitation of the Bloody Temple, then why couldn't the Bloody Temple reach the peak of the 12th Temple?

Why can't you stand out from the crowd?

However, all of this has become a luxury nowadays. The only thing she can fight for is to join the innocent of the Liaoling Lingyao Temple.

After the whole mood, Gu Xinyi took an impeccable smile and looked at Qiao Chu and others: "To disturb everyone today, I will invite you, because this time exists in our misunderstanding, just in time for spring blossoms. At that time, we can also chat at the lake, if it can solve the misunderstanding of each other, it is also a good result."

Gu Xin’s words are very skillful, blurring a lot of the previous five halls against the **** temple, and confusing the words “misunderstanding” on each person’s head, as if she was just doing things and being old. It is not to resolve the grievances between the Five Halls and the Blood Palace.

Vatican only listened to this passage of Gu Xinyi, and knew that this little girl was afraid that it would be difficult to deal with.

However, Gu Xin is very smart, but they are not so dedicated to their own power, they do not worry about the more trouble, but the more chaotic the better.

"Oh, I said this little girl, you are very good-looking, how can you say it so badly? What is misunderstanding? Are you saying that our brains are not good? Is there any misunderstanding that we don't know? I I don't think there is any misunderstanding. You don't have to say that those who have nothing. You are looking for us today. What do you think in your heart? We are all very clear. It is not that people who are watching your **** temple are too miserable. Can't you live? Looking for us today, isn't it a soft road to apologize for a way to live? Or... What did I misunderstand?" Qiao Chu’s opening, perfect for a arrogant frivolous boy .

Not to mention the reaction of the people in the **** temple, even the non-smoke on the side listened to this, could not help but want to beat him.

It’s just too mad!

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