Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1573: : Sorry, we are not familiar 4

Sure enough, Qiao Chu’s words were exported, and the smile on Gu Xin’s face was a bit stiff. Lin Haoyu, who was on the side, was almost vomiting blood by Qiao Chu’s arrogant voice. ?八一中?文??W?W?W?. (8) 8?1?ZW. COM

Will you chat? Will you talk?

This person is looking for something?

Jun is innocently sitting on the side, as if nothing has been heard, but secretly praised Joe Chu’s poison tongue.

Second Joe is sometimes not the second one, no cure, isn't it?

Rao is a person who is so intelligent and eloquent, and is also stalked by the words of Qiao Chu. For a time, he did not know what to say.

Qiao Chu is like a general interest, looking up and down Lin Haoyu.

"I said that since it is to serve soft, then the duty to do it should be done? You are so resentful and staring at what I do? Really fall in love with my fists? Can you not swear? I am seeking for you for the first time. I am also seeing you for the first time. You can’t beat me anymore, and I’ll be yelling at me for the most time. You’re so big that you’re not going to be serious? Can you give me a death? Grinding is like a girl."

Lin Haoyu's face turned from white to green, and the tight lips shivered, and his lips were pale and pale.

Fan Zhuo, they saw Lin Haoyu being mad at Joe Chu, and they all secretly applauded in their hearts.

Before Lin Haoyu’s black innocent things, they were all clear and clear, and they were not able to find a suitable opportunity to retaliate. This idiot sent himself to “seek shame”, they naturally could not make people home. "Is it lost?"

Lin Haoyu couldn't help it anymore, but fortunately, Gu Xinyi secretly held him.

Gu Xin’s calculations are clear. These few people are not good at all. Their hostility to the Bloody Temple is very obvious, especially the Qiao Chu of the Inflammatory Temple. It’s not the meaning of peace talks. Come to the field.

The Temple of Fire and the Hall of Blood have been in the air for a long time. Qiao Chu has such a great hostility to them. Gu Xin is not incomprehensible.

However, the situation in the other four halls is not so extreme. Even in order to resolve the contradiction between the other four halls and the **** temple, she has to bear it. Even if the fire hall is to be beaten with the **** temple in the future, there is no other four. The mixing of the temple, their **** temple will not be too bad.

"How come Joe’s son is so angry? We just got together and talked about it. Recently, the Bloody Temple has encountered some troubles, but this trouble has made me somewhat inexplicable. I don’t know where our **** temples have provoked you. Will it cause such a big dissatisfaction? We are members of the Twelve Halls. The Twelve Halls have been supporting each other for many years and fighting against the pressure of the Nine Houses. I think we should not treat each other as an enemy because our enemies have never changed. Is that the Nine Palaces? Isn't it?" Gu Xin's voice was not so bad, and there was no point of impatience. As if Joe Chu had said something to her, half of her points did not provoke her anger.

"The Jiugong Palace is now stable. The Twelve Temples have been suppressed for many years. They must not resist the forces of the Nine Palaces. After the retreat of the evil spirits, the Nine Palaces will become stronger and stronger. The Quartet will not ask the world. One day, the Nine Palaces will replace the former evil spirits. We are twelve. How can the temple be self-sufficient? Is it necessary to change it to be the same as the sinister domain at that time, and become a suppressed person who has been smashed and sneaked?" The soft voice, which outlines the opposition between the 9th and 12th temples, blurs the twelve The battle inside the temple is like the twelve halls have always been friendly and loving each other.

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