Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1590: Queen Suya 5

Suya snorted.八一一中文 W ≤ W ≥ W ≥. ≈8≈1≤Z=W≈. ≈C≥OM

Tian Ze swallowed the swallow, tentatively asked: "That is the student of the School of Spirituality? How is he?"

Tian Ze asked this question. He didn’t want to know which disciple had caused Suya, but wanted to know what Suya had done with that person...

Even the instructors of the Lingli College saw that Suya had to nod their heads to show their loyalty. Those teenagers still practicing can still live under Suya.

Not being killed is already a gift of greatness!

"Nothing to me, but it is enough to bully my little apprentice." Suya frowned.

Tianze was a little glimpse, and immediately realized that Suya said that he was innocent.

"Just no? Jun is not usually not walking outside? How can someone find her?" There is an unreliable master and unreliable teacher, Tianze is busy with the gyro every day to deal with Yunxiao College Size affairs, naturally, there is not much time to care about the intrigue between disciples.

"I would like to ask you! My apprentice is so honest, a man who is so honest, how is the silly fork of the Spiritual Academy staring at her? The old lady is clear, the silly fork has always been a cloud."涧 舍 舍 舍 舍 , , , , , 舍 舍 舍 舍 舍 舍 舍 舍 涧 涧 涧 涧 涧 涧 涧 涧 涧 涧 涧 涧 涧 涧 涧 涧 涧 涧 涧 涧 涧 涧 涧 涧 涧 涧 涧 涧 涧 涧 涧 涧 涧 涧 涧

Tian Ze was in charge of Yunxiao College for a long time, and Su Ya said that he would wake up.

Feelings are because of the innocent being arranged in the side of Suya, let other people think that the innocent is the unlucky one abandoned by Yunxiao College.

This is really to make Tianze hard to say.

This matter is not arranged by him. It is obviously the idea of ​​their master. The old man let Tian Ze throw the innocent to Suya, and nothing else is explained, so Tian Ze also forgot this scorpion.

Yuan Yuege is a wine cellar in the eyes of outsiders. Everyone only knows that there is a woman with a bad temper but a very good woman, but she does not know how terrible the identity of the woman is.

The young mind floats, and there will be a long-awaited comparison, and Jun No Evil itself is the only seedling of Lingyao Temple. Without being dependent on it, after being thrown away by Yuan Yuege, it is natural that those teenagers who are sober and painful can be bullied. Object.

"This is my mistake. What do you want to do with your sister? I will listen to you." Tian Ze’s dog’s legs were accompanied by a smile, but his heart was shocked. He did not think that Suya would pay so much attention to Jun. .

You must know that Jun is insulted by their masters to Suya.

It is rare for Suya to accept it. Tianze has no hope that Suya will be so heartbroken to Jun.

Especially... After experiencing such a thing, Suya has not asked the world for a long time, and has looked down on everything in the world, but now Suya has come to the door for the sake of the innocent, this is not the case of casual treatment. It is.

Suya looked at Tianze.

"The old lady wants you to open a branch to the king."

"Hey?" Tianze was completely dumbfounded.

Open a branch to Jun? Just give her a person? Open a branch! !

Su Ya completely ignored the shocking face of Tian Ze, and calmly said: "It is called the Royal Soul Branch."

"..." Tianze.

"The address is in Yuan Yuege." Suya said again.

"..." Tian Ze feels that his sister is really crazy.

He is also awkward to protect the scorpion.

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