Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1591: Royal Soul Branch 1

However, under the eyes of Su Ya sharp, Tian Ze did not dare to say a word, and only nodded.

On the same day, Yunxiao College suddenly announced that there was a new branch!

Royal Soul Division!

Instructor: Su Ya.

Disciple: Jun is no evil.

The entire division tutor and disciple are two!

The plaque engraved with the three words of Yuan Yuege was taken down, and the four characters of the "Mushing Soul Division" were replaced.

I have always felt that the stern and demanding disciples of Yunxiao College, for the first time, there is still such a wayward thing in the college.

Su Ya’s violent fight with Xu Mu has already spread in Yunxiao College. Xu Mu has been lying on the bed for three days and three nights and can’t wake up. A few teenagers with Xu Mu have a tearful nose. Their tutors cried and asked for justice.

As a result, when Xu Mu’s instructor heard that he was born in Yuan Yuege, he immediately dropped a sentence. “Let Xu Mu take a rest, I have to go one step ahead.”

A branch of God's **** is so casually built, and because of the glimpse of Suya, everyone is afraid to sway at the gate of the Royal Soul Branch. Even if it is to pass by, it is the farthest distance. The farther the better, the better. There is no one who dares to sing a word outside the Royal Soul Branch.

Everyone realizes that the original innocence in their minds has always been mistaken for them to be abandoned by Yunxiao College, but they have the strongest mentor of Yunxiao College!

The ruthlessness of the facts beat the faces of countless good deeds in minutes. They used to laugh at the innocent sorrows of the past. Now they are all stunned by Suya’s strength on their own faces.

Others are dozens of people taught by a mentor, and Jun is not only one-on-one, but also the strength of Suya is the mentor of other branches, and...

Long is still so pleasing!

Suya’s hegemony and strength have caused many people to shake their legs.

But the same, the beauty of Suya also makes some young people who are **** and timid.

Many people, even taking the opportunity to lurk outside the Royal Soul Branch, looking for various reasons to try to abandon the original branch, and turned to the newly established Royal Soul Branch.

This situation is unexpected.

It can be seen that in the face of beauty and power, some people's brains are still not enough.

It is a pity that the gates of the Royal Soul Branch are closed for a long time. Only when the innocent people enter and exit will open, and the young people who want to spy on the beauty of Suya outside the door, even if they are looking forward to wearing the autumn water, are rare to see.

Gradually, there is some subtle change in his life. The teenagers who once sneered at her and wished to step on her in the mud began to smile at her and even tried to talk with her. Although all of them were swept back by her cold eyes.

However, the hostility and crowding that originally surrounded her were lax.

Those people, not afraid of the power of Suya, are trying to win over the innocent and can get the favor of a powerful beauty tutor.

Jun Wuxu feels...

Instead of letting her face the false smiles every day, she is more than happy to greet these people's cynicism.

When the days of innocence began to improve, Lin Haoyu’s days were still in dire straits.

Qiao Chu continued to fight for Lin Haoyu's poor pursuit, and Xu Mu went to find Jun no evil troubles, and the things that were taught by Su Ya were also introduced into the ears of Gu Xinying.

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