Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1600: Bloody Temple Guest 3

"Standing on the change, it is the best way to deal with. August 1 Chinese W ≤ W ≤ W =. ≥ 8 ≠ 1 ≥ Z ≤ W =. ≈ C = OM" Gu Xin 嫣 does not buy.

"I am looking for you today, not to disturb you, but one thing I have to tell you." Lin Haoyu is very helpless, can only be serious.

"What?" Gu Xin was impatient.

"The ancient shadow is coming." Lin Haoyu said.

"What?" Gu Xin's face showed a shock, and there was a trace of fear.

"The temple owner sent him to give Xu Mu a drug, and Yunxiao College has already promised this." Lin Haoyu looked at Gu Xin's instantly white face, his heart could not tell the taste, he was distressed, and he was proud...

After all, she was still afraid of that person.

Gu Xin’s biting lip was dead and his face was very unsightly.

Lin Haoyu immediately cared for the opening: "Xin Yan, you can rest assured that the ancient shadow is now different from the past, and those things will not be reborn, and there is me, I will not let him hurt you."

Gu Xinyan took a deep breath and forced the instinct of fear. She looked up and looked at Lin Haoyu, who was concerned.

"You came to tell me this?"

"Yes..." Lin Haoyu gave a slight glimpse.

"Then I know now, you can go." Gu Xinyu said, Lin Haoyu's hand was pushed away from the door, and then the door was closed.

Lin Haoyu faced the closed door, his face was blue and white, and finally he snorted away from the door.

After half a month, the top of the mountain was lifted, and a special guest was ushered in at the gate of Yunxiao College.

"Just come here, and then go inside, you can't get in." In front of Yunxiao College's front door, the beautiful young man's mouth was hung with a big smile, facing a guardian behind him.

"Yes!" The defender Yushun turned and left, leaving the beautiful boy alone standing outside the door.

A tall figure slowly appeared in the gates of Yunxiao College.

The expressionless Tianze looked coldly at the beautiful boy who had never seen him for a long time.

In a few years, the person's appearance has not changed much, but in the thousands of years of young and frivolous, with some indescribable expression.

"I have to work hard to greet the Tianze tutor personally, my face is really big." The beautiful teenager smiled and looked at the cold face of Tianze, laughing in the language, without any feeling that there is any danger.

However, Tianze will not be blinded by this seemingly harmless surface.

"The ancient shadow, this time allows you to enter Yunxiao College, just because Xu Mu needs, after Xu Mu is getting better, you must leave immediately." Tian Ze's voice with a hint of toughness, watching the other's eyes are also full of alert .

The ancient shadow smirked, and looked at the sternness of Tianze with a slight squint.

"It’s really ruthless, so I’m also a disciple of Yunxiao College. It’s cruel to shut me out.”

The juvenile is dull and delicate, and the more dazzling in the eyes, the bright smile can not find a trace of embarrassment, but Tian Ze knows, hidden in such a handsome beauty, what a **** evil spirit.

"From the day you left, you are no longer a true disciple of Yunxiao College. It is already the biggest concession to allow you to enter Yunxiao College again." Tianze did not dare to relax, Yunxiao College There must be no such evil spirits!

The ancient shadow shrugged slightly.

"No problem, I just came to get the medicine, just take a look at my sister."

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