Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1601: Bloody Temple Guest 4

Tianze slightly frowned, did not say anything more, just turned and walked into the college, the ancient shadow in the moment of Tianze turned, the mouth slightly raised, evoked a touch of evil smile. Eight?? One Chinese network W=W=W=. =8≤1=Z≤W≈. ≥C≤O≥M

Yunxiao College, he is back.

Tianze directly led the ancient shadow to the front of the door where Gu Xinyi was located. He did not leave the shadow of the film along the way. He didn’t want to, but he couldn’t. He was not sure. After he left this meeting, the ancient shadow would not What will happen in the college.

"This is the room of Gu Xinyi." Tianze stood in front of the door and sighed.

The old-fashioned smile, "has worked."

Tian Ze still did not give him a good face.

The ancient shadow did not care, raising his hand and ringing the door.

There was no sound in the room, and the ancient shadow and Tianze stood waiting outside the door.

Suddenly, the ancient shadow asked for a strong scent of wine. He looked for the scent of the wine and turned his head slightly. He saw a petite figure coming towards him.

It was a young boy with a ugly appearance. The thin body was wrapped in a large Yunxiao Academy costume. The thin one was like a paper man, but the one who really cares about the ancient shadow is the boy's eyes.

Clear as water, but it seems to be hidden like ice.

The eyes made him think of a person, a person he could not forget in his life.

Tianze noticed the sight of the ancient shadow. He looked up and looked at the shadow of the ancient shadow. It turned out to be a no evil!

For a time, Tianze’s heart was in a bell, and he immediately frowned: “The ancient shadow, remember the purpose of your visit.”

There was a smile on the face of the ancient shadow, and he turned slowly and looked at the nervous Tianze.

"Don't be so nervous, I just think that the little brother's eyes are beautiful."

The ancient shadows instantly made Tianze’s cold hair stand up. When the ancient shadow dug the girl’s eyes, he said the same thing.

At this time, the door in front of the two people finally slowly opened, and the pale pale Xin Xin was standing behind the door. When she saw the shadow, her voice could not stop flashing.

"Xin Yan, I haven't seen you for a long time, I thought about me?" The attention of the ancients quickly shifted to the body of Gu Xinyi, with a strong smile and a petting tone, like a good brother.

However, there was not a little joy in Gu Xin’s eyes. She just barely pulled her lips and screamed.


When Tianze saw their brothers and sisters recognize each other, they also breathed a sigh of relief and urged them to talk, and the ancient shadows were not allowed to walk around Yunxiao College. If they were going to go out, they must be brought by the instructor of the college. .

The ancient shadow is listening to the sound, and the attitude is excellent.

But no matter how friendly he is now, Tian Ze will not regard him as a kind boy.

When the ancient shadow entered the room, Gu Xin licked the lip film and wanted to close the door, but she saw the opposite side of the innocent. For a time, her face was slightly abnormal, and the eyes were in harmony with the monarch. At the moment when the cold and clear eyes were on the opposite side, I couldn’t help but feel a slight shock, and then quickly lowered my head and closed the door.

Jun innocent stood at the door, no expression on his face, but she clearly saw that the teenager who stood at the entrance of ancient Xinyi was the ancient shadow in Fenghua College!

She did not miss the dialogue between Gu Ying and Gu Xinyi, and she did as she had guessed.

They are brothers and sisters.

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