Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1609: Nursing scorpion 3 seeking monthly ticket

Suya, this is to play rogue!

Do you say that the old lady is involved in the matter between the disciples?

But I am sorry, they haven't started playing yet, and the aging mother has already given people a slap in the face, and the order is also the aging mother. ?八一中文?W≥W≥W=. ≤81ZW. COM

Suya's arrogant and hard-working students blocked all the words of the ancient shadows. The ancient shadows tried to lead out the innocent, and he did not take it seriously. He completely took his own body and directly let the plan of the shadows burst in an instant.

"The Suya tutor said that it was dull for the younger generation. I also asked Suya to be ignorant. I am disturbed today. The younger generation will leave early. The **** temple of Xu Mu will definitely give you a satisfactory answer." Staying soon, you have to leave because you got up.

Suya made a yawn, but she was not willing to say more than a guest sentence. In the end, the ancient shadow was taken out by Tianze.

When the ancient shadow and Tian Ze leave, the tiredness of Su Ya’s face will fade away in an instant, and she will be in front of her eyes when she is preparing to practice.

The blind eyes of the innocent doubts, looking at the master of his domineering side leakage.

"Do you know that kid?" Suya blinked and looked at the innocent.

Jun Wu did not think that Suya would be so keen. After the appearance of the ancient shadow, she did not look at the ancient shadow, and the ancient shadow did not show too much attention to her, but Su Ya still caught something.

For a time, I don’t know how to answer.

She should have denied all of this, but she did not want to use her lies to fully treat her Suya.

Everything about Fangcai, Suya is showing her protection of her position. Jun is not willing to respond to Suya with deception, but she does not want to bring Suya into her own plan and bring unnecessary trouble to her.

After all, with the character of Suya, if she knows the grudge between her and the Twelve Temples, she is afraid that she will jump out directly for her.

Jun has no choice but to choose silence.

In the face of her silence, Suya just sighed a sigh. "You and his affairs, I don't want to ask, but there is a point that Master must remind you that the kid is not a good temptation. His strength is only purple spirit. Level, but the murderousness of his body is somewhat amazing. This kind of person is very savage, and he often fights with him. More is not dependent on the strength of both sides. If you want to work with him one day, you have to do it. If you can't beat the commandment, you will flee immediately and don't give him a chance to shoot."

Su Ya looked at Jun innocently, and there was a seriousness in her tone.

Jun No Evil may not have noticed, but Su Ya has noticed it.

Although the ancient shadow only mentioned once, there is no evil, but if there is nothing in the words, I want to pull the innocent into it. This is very subtle. If it was not Suya, he noticed that he had no Evil looks like an inadvertent look, I am afraid that even she can not detect it.

"The disciple understood." Jun no evil returned to God, nodded slightly, no matter why Suya would have noticed that she was acquainted with the ancient shadow, but Suya's point is for her.

In fact, for the appearance of the ancient shadow, there is a strange feeling. The ancient shadow appeared from the Yushou branch to him. It seems that he has been asking Suya about Xu Mu, but he will think carefully after he thinks. He didn't ask anything at all, and he didn't even have any questioning or questioning about Su Ya's flawed explanation.

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