Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1610: Nursing scorpion 4 seeking monthly ticket

This situation is very strange, which makes the purpose of the ancient shadows become blurred. ?? Bayi Chinese? W (a) W? W?. (eight) 81ZW. COM

Jun Wuxie secretly recorded this matter, in order not to worry about Suya, and did not mention this matter too much.

Su Ya saw Jun innocent so well-behaved, and the expression on her face softened. She swept her hand and gave her a slap in the face of no evil. It was not too light and only made people feel full of pets.

"Bad boy, the old lady is doing so much with you, anyway, with your little arm and calf, don't say purple spirit, even if you are alone, you have to hurry to run, you will either follow the aging mother in the future, or Find a strong invincible guardian in the world, don't be okay to walk alone, you are tempted to provoke the right and wrong constitution, it is really not suitable for a person to run around." Suya also some do not understand, their own apprentice is so "honest and honest" How do you feel that there is always a variety of disobedience.

Xu Mu, Gu Ying, and the group of **** temples in Yunxiao College, how can they stare at the innocent?

In the eyes of Suya, her own apprentice is really worrying and worrying. She never gives herself any trouble. She cleans the room and cleans the room. She goes to practice and cultivates. There are few words, and the style is low-key. It’s always easy to ignore her existence. How can it be so easy to recruit?

For Suya's doubts, Jun is not afraid to explain to her for a while.

If one day, Suya knows that the pure and loyal apprentice in her mind is actually a sheep who eats people and does not spit bones. I don’t know what to think.

Jun was innocent and was thrown to the side by Suya. The teacher and the disciples were just like nothing. What should I do?

Tian Ze took the ancient shadow out of the Royal Soul Branch. There was no opening between the two on the way. In the harmony of the men and the disciples in the Royal Soul Branch, Tian Ze was only cautious and cautious about the ancient shadow.

"Tianze Tutor." The shadow of Gu Ying suddenly stopped.

Tianze made a slight meal and said with a sigh of relief: "What?"

The ancient shadow smiled and said: "I have come to Yunxiao College for the purpose, my father is waiting for me to go back to life, so I will stay soon, and I am going to leave."

Hey, when is this kid so self-aware? I know that Yunxiao College is not welcome, is this going to go?

Tianze was so happy that he smiled and applauded, and there was nothing else in his heart, but his face was still a calm and serious expression.

"Oh, isn't it? Then you will go back to life. I will send you out." Tianze almost couldn't wait to send the shadow to Yunxiao College. During that time he even asked Gu Ying whether to go to Gu Xinyi. Did not say anything else, and sent the shadow to the outside of Yunxiao College.

When Gu Ying walked out of the gate of Yunxiao College, he saw Tian Ze standing in the door and staring at his serious eyes. The ancient film was very interesting and didn't have much to stay, but walked straight ahead.

Yunxiao College, still waiting for the ancient shadow to revenge for himself, Lin Haoyu dreams, he couldn’t think of it. He finally took the courage to move the rescue troops, so he even walked away without the sleeves.

The hilltop was silent, and the twilight of the dusk fell between the jungles, and a layer of warm warmth was covered over the green hills.

The ancient shadow went down from the top of the mountain. From a long distance, he stopped at the spacious big 6 and turned around and looked at the direction of Yunxiao College.

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