Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1612: Love medicine into idiot 2 seeking monthly ticket

In the room, a sly figure was curling up and squatting on the edge of a medicine stove. The walls of the room were black and black, and the color was like the residue left after being burned. ??八一中?文?W=W≤W≈. 81ZW. COM

The little old man holding a petal in his hand was seriously squatting beside the medicine stove. He seriously waved the fan in his hand. The wind fan tried to make the flame more violent, and his other hand On the other hand, he holds a piece of crumpled paper. He will look at the paper and he will stare at the flame in the medicine furnace. His eyes are focused, so that when Tian Ze is snarling, the face that has always been unsettled is fierce. There was a trace of fright, and almost the paper in the handle was thrown into the medicine furnace.

"You are a kid! What are you!" The little old man will come to the baby very hard, carefully holding it in his hand, a look of disgusted squatting into the sky, his white beard is not suitable for some dyed The ash is gray and the face is black and white. The clothes underneath are dirty. If you don’t know who is coming out, who would have thought that this person is the dean of Yunxiao College!

Tian Ze was a little short of breath after being stunned by the little old man. He subconsciously shrank his neck and looked at his master, so he couldn’t help but look like a man.

"I was wrong, I shouldn't yell, but Master, aren't we saying that we are good? Can we only refine the medicine during the college holiday? You say that if you burn it again, give it to those The disciples saw it, but they couldn’t help but provoke a riot?” Tian Ze is also helpless to the extreme. His master is really the most unreasonable master under the sun. As the dean of Yunxiao College, he does not care about anything. I know that I will throw things to myself, the hard-working apprentice.

If he does the shackle, he will forget it, but the little old man who has no medical talent is still very obsessed with refining the medicinal herbs and learning various medical techniques. When he is not at five o'clock, he will vacate a bunch of messy herbs, ignoring it. Which medical division instructor was there to sneak a smuggled remedy to hide here.

If you say that refining medicine is a refining drug, but his master, who did not have the ability to refine the medicinal herbs, but has the ability to burn the house, Tianze has not remembered how much the house was burned by his master. After that, I don’t even remember how many ill-fated “poisons” I was forced to take!

Tianze still remembers that he once suffered from typhoid fever. He took some medicine and raised it for a few days. However, his master smiled and took an unidentified object he had made. He said that he just said The refining medicine is specially used to treat typhoid fever, and it has a miraculous effect, forcing Tianze to swallow it.

That was really amazing!

Minutes of Tianze's typhoid tossed out the internal injuries, spit three days of blood, and the hands of the instructors of the medical divisions tossed the hands of the chaos to save his life.

Since then, Tianze knows that his master, it is not in refining, it is in refining!

A person who has no natural talents at all in medicine has to die. Isn’t this what it is to find abuse?

"Hey! What is Master? Calling an adult! It's getting more and more filial! I dare to doubt the skill of the teacher! You can't get tired of it!" The old man was blamed by the apprentice, and his beard was blinking, and he could not wait for this filial piety. The apprentice directly burned a piece of the stove.

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