Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1613: Love medicine into idiot 3 seeking monthly ticket

"I am not allowed to call Master, but also claim to be a teacher." Tian Ze could not help but scream.八?一中文?网?W(一)W?W. 81ZW. COM

The little old man took a piece of firewood and slammed it directly into Tianze. Tianze was in danger.

"Don't be a filial disciple! What are you doing in the end? Add me a block!" The old man yelled.

Tianze helpless, "Master, I really don't mean this, but your refining drug is really..." It must be human life!

"You say another sentence, believe it or not, I will put you directly in the stove! I dare to question the doctor's medical skills! Don't forget! For the teacher but the doctor!!" The old man protested the martyrdom.

Tianze secretly licked his mouth, what doctors, isn't your old man's coercion and temptation to find someone to find the name of such a doctor?

"I am really mad at me! I will refine the unparalleled medicinal herbs for you!" The younger man wants to get more and more angry.

Tian Ze’s face is incomprehensible.

"Why are you doing there? If you have nothing to roll, help me to fan!" The little fan in the hand of the old man threw it on Tianze's face.

Tianze can only accept the pet fan, replacing the position of the little old man, and squatting on the edge of the medicine stove.

The little old man finally got out of the way, completely regardless of the hard work of his own apprentice, moved a small Mazza, sat on the side and urged Tian Zeqian to hurry.

Tianze honestly followed, and suddenly remembered the purpose of his own visit, while fanning the wind and said: "Master, the ancient shadow has gone."

"When you leave, you stay in Yunxiao College. You look at the troubles and go to save trouble." Obviously, the little old man doesn't care about the ancient shadows. He is always staying. He is looking forward to it. Whether the medicine can be rectified.

This time, he refining according to the things written on the steps given by Jun Wu, and he is full of confidence in this achievement!

Soon he can use "strength" to prove his talent in medicine!

Tian Ze was stunned by the words of the little old man, and then he wanted to say something that was completely slain back into his stomach, and there was no chance to say it.

As soon as I was younger and younger, I continued to pour the medicine stove in the room.

The night came quietly, and the night was shrouded in Yunxiao College. When the moon was empty, the teenagers who had been tired for a day in the college could finally drag the tired body and mind and return to the room to rest.

Jun no evil returned to the room, a little loose loose bones, she did not forget, on her way back, the faint Lin Haoyu hiding in the dark, the gaze staring at her gaze.

For Lin Haoyu's role, she was too lazy to waste time with him.

"Missy." The nightingale and the nightless figure appeared quietly in front of the innocent. They told Qiao Chu and others according to the innocent words, and they have been secretly protecting the safety of the innocent. Prevent the shadows from acting.

"Well?" Jun did not sit on the chair, and the adults and blood-blooded rabbits jumped out of the nightingale and the nightless arms, and the fart was smashed to the feet of the innocent, one side of the It is a good temptation to sell Meng, Jun is not a good temper, so Xiao Bailian took out some lotus leaves, and gave them two stupid buds. They looked at them with the lotus leaf to eat, and the eyes of the innocent also softened a lot.

"The ancient shadow has left the Yunxiao College." Night shout.

When Tian Ze sent the ancient shadow to leave, he and the night alone were hiding in the dark, and watched the ancient shadows go out from the gate of Yunxiao College.

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