Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1625: Return 2 ask for monthly pass

Lin Haoyu’s face is getting more and more ugly, and the whispers of the teenagers around him make his heart burst, his eyes panic and look at the crowds around him. In that pair of alienated and skeptical eyes, he tries to find the truth. Fierce, but I feel that everyone is like. ?八一中文网W≠W≥W≥. ≥8≠1≠Z=W≈. ≥C≥O≈M

The pile of flesh and blood, like a rope, tied to his neck, making him breathless.

Is Qiao Chu of the Inflammatory Hall?

Or other people in the temple?

They want to kill him?

Do not……

He still doesn't want to die...

Under extreme tension, Lin Haoyu turned his eyes and fainted, and the moment he pours him down, the teenagers who are surrounded by a circle don’t even dare to go forward, but they can still be straight forward. Going, heavy fell on the pile of flesh and blood, splashing countless blood flowers, several teenagers approaching directly, was dyed, a mourning sound instantly.

In a group of chaos, there was a petite figure quietly passing by, from the gap in the crowd, looking at Lin Haoyu who was fainting in flesh and blood.

Yesterday, Jun No Evil has learned everything from their mouth after subduing the black men. She and Gu Ying have seen it. She also guessed that Gu Ying may doubt her identity, but the ancient shadow The reason why she noticed her is that she couldn’t get away with Lin Haoyu’s help.

In view of Lin Haoyu’s “multiple care” after she entered Yunxiao College, Jun’s innocence prepared Lin Haoyu’s “return”, and the face of Sen Luo was strong enough to screw the bones of those purple spirits. Broken, once sought after, the purple spirit of the strong, and ultimately just become a pile of minced meat in front of Lin Haoyu, as for what was before the pile of broken meat, and how big is the origin, who knows?

After appreciating Lin Haoyu's reaction, Jun did not go through the crowd without going through the crowd, and walked toward the Royal Soul Branch. It was as calm as nothing.

Lin Haoyu is ill, the disease is inexplicable, and some suddenly.

In the morning, he was scared by the piles of flesh and blood. After he fell on it, Gu Xin, who was rushed to the rush, looked for someone to carry it back. Then he became ill, or said that it was more appropriate to be crazy.

Lin Haoyu can't get out of bed now, and his body is cold for a while. Some people are unconscious. In a mouth, they say some strange words intermittently. Even Gu Xinyi wants to ask him a few words. He is Scared and screamed, hiding in the corner of the bed and shaking.

When Lin Haoyu entered Yunxiao College, what kind of spirit he was, and then he was greeted with endless fear. He was beaten by Qiao Chu, and then frightened today, completely destroying his nerves. He really Crazy.

He is afraid that he will never dream, and he will fall into such a field.

Gu Xinyi had no way to see Lin Haoyu's condition. Even if he invited the instructors of the Yunxiao College Medical Branch to come to the hospital, it would not be effective. He could only stay in the room without his madness.

Under the helplessness of Gu Xin, he could only write a letter to the **** temple, and asked someone to bring Lin Haoyu back to the **** palace to heal.

For Lin Haoyu's situation, Yunxiao College did not directly agree to let go back to nursed back to health.

It just erased the identity of Lin Haoyu’s disciple at Yunxiao College.

After all, with Lin Haoyu's current situation, I am afraid that it is no longer possible to continue the practice in Yunxiao College.

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