Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1626: Old urchin 1

The **** battle of that night hardly left any mark on Yunxiao College. In addition to knowing that Lin Haoyu was scared and mad, people knew nothing about the other. All the teenagers stepped in after a while. The normal life track, continue to practice, and move toward their goal. ?八一中文网W=W=W≈. ≈8≠1≠Z≤W≥. COM

Jun Jun is also practicing in the Royal Soul Branch and accepting the guidance of Suya.

Su Ya’s mood seems to be something wrong. These days, people seem to be a little lazy. Although they are still drunk every day, there are fewer words. More often, she prefers to sleep in the wine cellar.

If you don't dare to ask more questions, you can only practice independently.

It is very accustomed to such quiet cultivation, but some people are partial to life to break this calm.

Just after noon, Jun had no use for lunch and was ready to continue to practice, but a figure but a big thorn stood in the Royal Soul Branch.

"Hey! Young man, I am coming again!" The little old man with a smile on his face looked eagerly at the innocent.

The innocent footsteps instantly paused.

How come this guy is coming again! !

I thought that the old man had been successfully defeated before, and when he saw the old man, he felt a pain in his head.

To be honest, she is really not good at communicating with the old man with abnormal brain circuits.

Especially when the other party is extremely eager to search for more from her.

Jun’s footsteps were slightly sloppy, and then he returned to normal, just looking at the little old man and not opening his mouth.

The little old man seems to be accustomed to the innocence of the innocent, self-entertainment is very enjoyable, laughter and happily came together, holding a medicine bottle in his hand.

"Hey, boy, what you gave me before, it’s really good. I just refining the medicine that I have successfully made, so I will show it to you. Just look at it, is it perfect?" The old man completely ignored it. The innocent reaction of the king directly put the pill bottle into the hands of the innocent, and praised his "glorious record" on his mouth.

Jun looked at the smug little old man without any words. She wrote the steps of refining the medicine to the share. Basically, the person who understands the word does not have problems according to it. She really does not think that This is something to be proud of.

However, looking at the eager eyes of the little old man, Jun Wuxie felt that if she did not say anything, I am afraid that this little old man will not let her go.

In desperation, Jun had no need to open the bottle, and the smell of the makeup smelled.

The quality of medicines is no problem, and it is quite satisfactory.

"Not acceptable." Jun no evil, not cold or hot, spit out two words.

But such a dull word, but the little old man's face showed great joy, he directly took the pill bottle from the hands of Jun Wu, the two hands do not know how to hold better, one The appearance of the smiling face, the corners of the mouth are cracked to the root of the ear.

"I will say it! How can I refine such a perfect medicine, and it really becomes, I really sigh for my talent, but after three times I actually made it!!" The tone is full of pride.

But the innocent listening almost didn't have a blood spit out!

three times!

She has written the steps so detailed, even if a child is doing it right, it can be refining success, but this little old man actually refining three times to succeed...

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