Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1635: Most hurts 3

"Remember that when you first came, when I took out the Qiankun bag, did I ask you?" Suya looked deep and asked. (8) (1) (中)(文)(网)|(8)WWW.8(8)1(1)Z(中)W(文).COM

"Remember." When Suya first saw her Qiankun bag, she was surprised and anxious that she never forgot.

"You and my Qiankun bag are a pair. The Begonia flower above is embroidered by my apprentice. Before you, I also taught a lot of disciples, but I can only enter my eyes and become my apprentice. There are two people, one is you, one is your brother, that is, the person who shows the Qiankun bag." Suya's memory seems to have returned to the past a long time ago.

"Your brother is the first apprentice I received. At that time, I was arrogant with your ancestors. I just picked a band from a new group of disciples, thinking about the power that he brought in the future, and earning a good life for the aging mother. Face, but did not expect that, when it was not yet, there was no chance.” Suya’s mouth was filled with a bitter smile, and she picked up the jug and poured a big mouth into her mouth, as if she wanted to use the spicy smell of the wine. depressed.

"Your brother is not smart, and you don't have trouble. You know that you have troubles the old lady for three days. When he was at Yunxiao College, he got a lot of dissatisfaction. When he was fine, he ran out to fight with the little rabbits. The angry old lady can’t wait to trample him on the ground. But...”

"He is not too bad. Although he is not intimate with you, he knows that he respects the teacher." Suya held his chin with one hand, and sipped a drink without a sip, slowly revealing to the innocent, others Never knowing memories.

Su Ya’s temper was more violent than it is now. The relationship with the former apprentice is more solved with fists. The strength of Suya is known to the innocent, and even if it is a fist, it is a strong and healthy man. It can also vomit blood.

At the beginning, the innocent brother, who was basically a frequent visitor of the Yunshu College Medical Branch, was sent to the past for treatment in the past three days.

If this is a change to others, I am afraid that it has long been unbearable and has escaped.

But every time, the person was treated, and then he would laugh back and run back to Suya. No matter how arrogant Suya is, his face is still smiling, and there is no complaint, like Suya. Like the little tail, where did Suya go, he went there.

However, Suya is still the same as before, and she does not know how to control her temper and strength. The life of that person is extremely miserable.

Someone once said to Suya, this is not good, but Suya does not agree.

One is willing to make a wish, what is wrong? Besides, this is a matter between their masters and apprentices. Her apprentices did not say that they were half-words. What are the group members?

This model has continued for a long time. Although Suya does not care about his face, he teaches the disciples to do their best. The strength of the man is also leaps and bounds until the man enters the third year of Suya, the man. On the day of Suya’s birthday, I took out a pair of Haitang flower Qiankun bags, which I personally showed, one for Suya and one for myself.

after that……

Some things are different.

A subtle change in the relationship between the master and the apprentice, the taste has changed.

Suyana thought that he might have to plant it in the hands of the stinky boy, but did not think that in the end, things would become like that.

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