Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1636: Most hurts 4

Yunxiao College has an open day every month. The disciples whose strengths are recognized can leave temporarily and return home for two days. Eight? One? Chinese W (one) W? W?. (8) 8?1 (eight) Z (eight) W?. COM

Suya’s apprentice did not leave the college on weekdays. It was only in the fourth year that he began to leave on the open day. At first, Suya didn’t pay much attention, but every time her apprentice returned, the situation was very wrong. The smile became a little far-fetched when facing her.

Suya once asked, but couldn't ask anything. The man was like nothing, but... Suya noticed that his apprentice began to open his own distance intentionally or unintentionally.

Obviously, it is no longer a pure master and apprentice, but the man suddenly alienated and politely called her master, and there was a trace of evasion in his eyes.

Suya did not understand what was born, until one day, after the end of the open day, she did not wait until the person returned. When the end, everyone returned, he still did not appear, she stood at Yunxiao College In front of the gate, from sunrise to sunset, wait until the moon hangs high in the night sky, wait until the night is silent and wait until the person returns.

Finally, Master Suya took a letter and handed it to Suya.

The letter was left by the man. He only said that he had obtained the permission of the dean. He could leave the Yunxiao College. The good man was in the square, and he was not willing to be trapped in the small Yunxiao College. However, it is also the fate of this, and the world is separated by the future.

The letter Suya looked at it more than a dozen times and turned every word over and over. He never wanted to believe that his apprentice was gone...

And this master, she is the last one to know.

Why is she different?

She clearly told him that if he had to leave someday, she could go with him.

But in the end, he abandoned her and went to the world alone.

Suya said that in the end, the voice became a little hoarse. She poured her head on the wine, her eyes closed slightly, and the corners of her eyes passed through a trace of tears.

"Jun no, you remember, if you see a **** in Yan in the future, you will tell the aging mother that the old lady has no such ungrateful apprentice." Suya's eyes were reddish, and the mouth was gnashing.

Yan does not return! ! Jun has no evil.

It’s really not Yan!

Before Jun No Evil, I guessed that Su Ya and Yan did not return to know each other, but did not expect that there was such a grudge between the two.

Both of them are masters who are innocent. Although there are not many people who live with Yan, they don’t feel that Yan is not a ungrateful person. He can risk such a big danger to save Qiaochu. They, raising them to grow up, are definitely not a person who will have the grace of being a master and a person who loves him.

There must be some reason and misunderstanding in this.

Jun Wu did not tell Suya, she knew that Yan did not return, she must figure out this matter.

As an innocent, she hopes that Suya and Yan will not return to good. Before she can figure out things, she does not want things to get worse. Even if Suya is so determined, she is not evil. I can still feel that her unwillingness and resentment come from the disappointment of the past.

Suya did not let go at all, her stubbornness was born because of her obsession.

"Good." Jun nodded and nodded.

Suya smiled and licked the little head of the innocent.

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