Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1637: Most hurts 5

"Don't say this, how can you have a bastard, come here, send you something for the teacher. August 1st Chinese net? W? W? W.81ZW.COM" Suya swept the only depressed A bracelet was taken from the Qiankun bag. The bracelet was made of gold and was embellished with various jewels. It was very eye-catching.

"If you have a chance to go to the ghost world in the future, the people there will stop you, and you will show them this thing. They will definitely let you in. The old lady will not give you the next. This is the last one for the teacher." Gifts." Suya said, he grabbed the innocent little hand and brought the bracelet to Jun. The bracelet was not small, but when he was wearing it on the innocent wrist, he suddenly narrowed down. Good fit.

"Bad boy, if there is a chance to see you for the division in the future, but you can't go back to this Yunxiao Academy, or you have to be bombarded." Suya said with a smile.

Jun no evil looked at the bracelet in his hand, and his heart was warm.

She got up and walked to the front of Suya, solemnly squatting, silently giving Suya three voices, each of which was extremely loud.

Suya smiled and looked at her eyes with tears.

Before the immortal left, he left a bottle of medicinal herbs for Suya. It was made from the lotus seeds of Xiaobailian. It can be saved at a critical time. The medicine is extremely difficult to practice, and each one needs to consume five. One lotus seed, Jun has no refining, only five refinings, two of which she left to Junyi and Junqing, and the remaining three of them were all given to Suya.

The last farewell, Jun no evil returned to the room, the new students in the attic were a little confused, they did not want to leave so early, they think that their cultivation is not enough, but no chance to stay.

When she returned to the front of the house, Jun Qingwu saw the opposite of Gu Xinyi. She stood quietly at the door. In a loud noise, her eyes followed closely on the innocent body. I want to say no to the king.

Jun no evil did not rush to leave, just face to face and Gu Xinying looked at each other.

To tell the truth, if the grievances between the innocent and the twelve temples are abandoned, then Gu Xinyi himself, she feels that she is not bad. If she changes her time and changes her status, they may become companions.


Gu Xin looked at the innocent for a long time, as if he wanted to imprint the innocent figure in his own soul. Then she lowered her head and silently turned back to the room and sorted it out. .

Jun no evil also returned to the door.

After the door was closed, Gu Xinyi snorted silently against the door. The body seemed to be drained and slowly slid down the door, and fell to the ground. She smothered her mouth. Otherwise the crying overflows.

Gu Xinyi knows very well that at Yunxiao College, even if there is anything in the **** temple and the innocent, they can still meet each other, even if they can only look at it from a distance, but once they leave Yunxiao College As the daughter of the Lord of the Bloody Temple, she has only a tit-for-tat relationship with the innocent, and there is no such peace and tranquility.

Even if it was during this time that she had never said a word with Jun Wu, it was better than such hostility.

The most is the injury, I don’t know how many of them are in the cloud school, how many are not hurt.

As the sun goes down, all the disciples in Yunxiao College have to carry their bags, leave this familiar mountain, and step into their own future.

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