Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1658: Borrowed with 1

"That's forbearing again, I don't know that there is a place to be arranged for us at the Jinghong Hall. If it is not in the place, it is really mad.?????? Bayi Chinese W (eight) W? W?.? 8 (one) 1? Z (eight) W (one).? C? O (eight) M?" Another teenager could not help but swear.

The Shadowmoon Hall and the Jinghong Hall are not far apart, but the relationship is not very good. The distance between the two temples is slightly increased. There are many bumps and bumps in the competition of many forces. It can be said that the relationship in private is extremely uncoordinated. This time, the main birthday of the temple of Jinghong Hall, although it was an invitation letter to the Shadowmoon Hall, but the Shadowmoon Hall was dragged to the last time, and it was only a few children who had just entered the Shadowmoon Hall. He Shou.

Its meaning has been quite perfunctory.

Among the pedestrians in the Shadowmoon Hall, the only one who is worthy of the weight is the straight boy who was sitting. The teenager was rumored to be the grandson of an elder of the Shadowmoon Hall. He grew up in the Shadowmoon Hall. In the Shadowmoon Hall, it is also considered to be outstanding. Only one point makes other teenagers quite unhappy.

There is his stubbornness over there.

There are not many young words, and the strength is not bad. It is reasonable to say that among a group of teenagers, it should be regarded as a leader. However, this person does not listen to anyone except the elders, and never speaks with anyone, even For the other teenagers, it is also a cold speech.

After a long time, it was separated from other teenagers, and everyone in the Shadowmoon Hall could stay away from him if there was nothing.

On this road, several other teenagers talked and laughed, but they only pushed him out, but he didn't seem to mind this situation, just sitting quietly, watching the nose and nose, quiet as if not The same exists.

"Who knows." A group of teenagers are bored.

The carriage in front of the car suddenly had a fierce bump, which made the teenager in the car slammed, and several people instantly smashed into a ball, so it was not awkward.

The carriage suddenly stopped!

The teenagers in the car are easy to stabilize, and the more they feel upset because of the hurry.

"What's going on? Will you drive?! Isn't you impatient?" A young boy rushed out of the carriage and prepared to teach the driver.

But after a while, there was no movement outside the car.

A few teenagers in the car suddenly felt a little strange.

Suddenly, a faint **** smell came out of the car.

"The kid shouldn't be the one who killed the driver?" Who gave us a drive!" A young boy smelled the **** smell, and a slight frown revealed a trace of worry, but his words made people feel chilling. What he cares about is not that the companions killed the innocent, but worried that no one would drive for them.

The reaction of other teenagers is similar to that of the boy. Several people went out one after another and planned to see it.

But this has just stepped out of the carriage, and the faces of several teenagers have become pale!

I saw that on the wide avenue, the blood stained the road in front of them. The teenager who walked out of the carriage at the moment was now in a different place. The body without the head was so thorny and fell into the pool of blood. The blood blushes every teenager's eyes!

Under such a **** situation, there was a teenager who stood on the front end of the horse, and slowly raised his hand to appease the frightened horse.

"" A teenager immediately recognized the person standing in front of them!

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