Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1659: Borrowed with 2

"" A teenager immediately recognized the person standing in front of them!

The petite young boy who comforted the horse is not a stranger. It was really innocent before they practiced with them in Yunxiao College!

These teenagers happened to be people who had just been released from Yunxiao College and stayed in the Shadowmoon Hall for a long time. They naturally recognized the "famous" in Yunxiao College. Bayi? Chinese network?? W?W?W?. ?8 (a) 1 (a) Z (eight) W?. (8) COM

"Jun no...what are you here?" The teenagers saw some innocence, and soon their eyes looked nervously around to find out if there were other ambushes, but they found a circle, but there was no Reproduce the people next to you.

This made the hearts of those teenagers finally put aside.

It is natural for them to be able to enter Yunxiao College. They also know that the spirit of Jun is not their own. If they really say it, they are not their opponents, but they do not understand why, why Will the innocents appear here, and how do the companions who fall on the ground die?

They don't feel that they can kill their companions with the innocent "strength".

Jun no evil slowly raised his eyes and looked at the few teenagers, his eyes were calm and waveless, like the coldness of the cold pool.

"How did he die?" A teenager frowned and looked at Jun.

The innocent eyes looked at the body that fell to the ground, but did not say anything.

"I ask you something!" The teenager who couldn't get the answer was obviously impatient, but he didn't dare to move. Who knows if there is any ambush?

"I see this kid's evil door very much, let's go first." The younger courageous boy has some nervous openings.

If there is only one innocent person here, they are naturally not afraid, but they do not feel that they have the ability to kill their companions.

Jun is no evil, but the person of Lingyao Temple, Lingyao Temple was suppressed by the 12th Hall for so many years, who knows what kind of things will be done? It is not guaranteed that people who have the Lingyao Temple will ambush in places they can't see and prepare to wait for opportunities.

A few teenagers have some hair in their hearts, and they dare not stay here more. They are eager to get on the carriage and continue on their way.

However, at this time, the sound of the innocent sound suddenly sounded.


The teenagers were stiff and turned to look at the innocent. They looked carefully and looked around, fearing that someone would attack.

"I said that you can go now?" The sound of the innocent and quiet voice rang on the broad road.

"No, what do you mean in the end!" The teenagers were a little bit stunned by the innocent, nervously looking around, always feeling that there would be people in the darkness of the Lingyao Temple who came out to ask for their lives. .

"Jun no, we don't make river water in the well water, and we have never looked for you in Yunxiao College. Why do you need this?"

The faces of those teenagers are getting more and more ugly. Who knows who the people who killed their companions are, and they are afraid of it now.

"Get off the bus." Jun no evil cold channel.

The teenagers were crying, but they didn't dare to listen to the innocent words. They could only get out of the car honestly, but they didn't dare to leave the carriage too far. They were all attached to the carriage of the carriage.

"Jun no, we are also cultivated together in Yunxiao College. Can you... can you look at our classmates and let us go." The teenagers who are both snoring crying for mercy Road.

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