Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1677: Don't you hug me? 1

Then the little snake shadow did not attract anyone's attention in the lively hall. Jun Wu looked at its figure and disappeared at the threshold of the main hall. August 1 Chinese? Network? W≠W=W≥. ≠8≈1≤Z≈W≤. ≠COM

Ink snake.

She has seen it many times. The nightingales and nights are also surrounded by these ink snakes. The banquets, nightingales and nights are not participating. Now they release the ink snakes. Is it something that happened?

Doubtfulness lingers in the heart of the innocent, she quietly got up, gave Zizi and Yueyi a look of a little sorrow, and then left without a sound in the hall, under the dancing figure The people in the hall will not notice that a young boy is leaving midway.

Innocent walked out of the main hall of the hall. Under the night, she saw the little ink snake. The ink snake seemed to be consciously waiting for the innocent to follow, but after a few steps away, she stopped at the original. Waiting until the sight of the innocent figure, it continued to swim in the dark.

The innocent and unmoving followers of the past, nowadays most of the disciples left behind in the Jinghong Hall have been summoned to the temple of the Jinghong Hall. Outside the hall, the moonlight is a sparse image, but the rule is not evil, but it avoids it. The attention of those patrolling disciples.

She followed the ink snake all the way to the small peak outside the Jinghong Hall.

The farther away from the hustle and bustle of the temple, the quieter the surrounding, the mountain in the night with a hint of coolness, gradually away from the lights of the Jinghong Hall, once again returned to the moonlight in the mountains.

The little ink snake swam agilely in the forest, and took a few steps out. It stopped for a moment, looked back at the position of the innocent, and determined that Jun has no follow-up, it will continue to move forward.

What kind of species is this kind of ink snake? Jun has never figured out that she used to take care of some cold-blooded animals when she was working in a pet hospital. She has also been exposed to snakes, but it is rare. A spiritual snake like this.

It has always been very strange that Jun has no medicine. What kind of means did they use to make the little ink snakes act according to their consciousness?

Moreover, in addition to seeing the ink snake in the hands of the three people who have no medicine and the night, Jun No Evil has never seen such a strange creature.

Passing through the jungle, Jun’s position is already higher than the Jinghong Hall. She slowly turned her head and looked down at the brightly lit Jinghong Hall. She could not hear the melodious music in the Jinghong Hall. Only the wind in the forest swept the sound left behind.

At this moment, I can't help but feel a little strange.

Nightingales and nights were left to stay in the hall of Jinghong to investigate the situation in the temple. How could they rush to the outside forest? And already a little distance from the Jinghong Hall, even if there is anything to talk to her, they should have appeared long ago.

But the ink snake, but it seems that there is no stop, it constantly swims toward the top of the mountain, turning around from time to time, just like urging the innocent to catch up with her.

If it is not for the innocent, this ink snake is not sent by others. She is afraid that she has already felt that something is wrong and she has left.

There is a trace of doubt in my heart. There is a cautious concealment in the eyes of the innocent. She keeps up with the ink snake, walks through the moonlight, walks through the woods, and is surrounded by silence. Only the wind blows through the trees that night. The rustling sound.

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