Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1678: Don't you hug me? 2

The moonlight sprinkled on the ground from the cracks of the branches and leaves, just like the stars in the sky were printed on the ground, and the soft dead leaves under the feet piled thick, and there was a hint of stickiness under the nourishment of Ruixue. August 1st???? Chinese W(1)W?W?. 81ZW. COM

Jun immortally walked to the top of the mountain, but everything that appeared in front of her eyes, but let Jun innocent in an instant.

It was originally above the peaks of trees, but I don’t know when it was replaced by a sea of ​​flowers. The former trees have long ceased to exist. In front of the innocent eyes, the piece of land is covered with white lotus flowers. The lotus flower is in need of release, and the petals resemble the warm moonlight. There is a faint glow, and the snow is white, illuminating the mountain wrapped in the jungle, like the light that ignites in the night.

The ink snake that led the innocent came, dexterously broke into the sea of ​​flowers, disappeared without a trace.

The innocent eyes were full of doubts, and she looked at her own eyes, this incredible flower sea.

Lotus is born in the water, but above the mountain where there is no lake, this lotus can never exist.

Jun innocently subconsciously entered the strange flower sea, but when she stepped into the flower room, she was surrounded by her feet, and those white lotuses that were waiting to be released, bloomed in an instant!

The white petals of the snowy bloom with a stretch of light, and a shallow pink color emerges from the stamen, gradually smudged toward the petals of the piece, and the color gradually deepens, and the powder is red.

Each lotus has a faint glow on it, as if the stars were wrapped in the flower.

This strange scene reflected in the eyes of the innocent, and in the twinkling eyes of a long time, picked up a touch of strange colors.

The flower sea in front of the eyes is so clearly visible, but when the innocent is in the middle of it, I can’t feel any touch. The lotus flower clustered at my feet is like nothingness. I walked in front of the innocent. Step, but wherever she steps, the cluster of lotus leaves will bloom and be dyed with a bright color.

It is like a spark of stars falling between the stars, accompanied by the innocent footsteps, the blooming lotus swaying in the wind, the pink petals chasing the innocent pace.

In the middle of the night, under the moonlight, above the pure white flower sea, a string of flaming lotus shadows fell behind the innocent, and Yingying shimmered with a halo.

Jun Wuxu looked at the petals scattered in the air with the wind, drifting across her body, reaching out to touch one or two, but the petals passed through her hand...

that is not true……

There was a hint of surprise in the eyes of the innocent, but she had not waited for her to think about the origins and causes of all this. Under the moonlight, a slender figure came slowly from the other end of the flower sea.

When the innocent eyes touched the moment of the figure, all the emotions in the eyes disappeared without a trace. She just stood still and looked at the familiar and familiar figure. Came towards her, she looked at the countless petals around his body, dyed the petals of the glow, like countless stars scattered around the person.

Under the cover of others, everything in front of him seems to be such an illusion.

Every step seems to step on her heart.

Plop, plop.

She seems to hear her heartbeat.

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