Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1679: Don't you hug me? 3

"Don't you hug me?" The monk standing in the sea of ​​flowers has no medicine, his arms are open, his mouth is with a petite smile, and the beautiful face is like a dream under this dreamlike picture. Not really cut. August 1st? Wenwang?W≈W≤W. 81ZW. COM

Jun No Evil stood in the same place for a moment, as if he had not returned to the gods, looking at the familiar face, she slowly lifted her feet, the pace was slow, gently stepping into the sea of ​​flowers, splashing and falling.

Step by step, her footsteps gradually accelerated, and the raised feet brought up the petals floating, and the petals with the halo rolled up a flower rain as she gradually rushed.

Such as the red dragonfly, with the advance of the innocent, a beautiful pink lotus blooms in the pure white flower sea.

The petite figure is accompanied by the petals of the lotus flower in the warm and wide arms. When no medicine touches the little body, the arms are tightened, and the little one in the arms is held in the arms. .

Under the cover of the night, the moonlight sprinkled on the sea of ​​flowers, and the flowers that moved with the wind lit up a beautiful flower rain, and the petals of the leaves surrounded the two people.

That's all, beautiful.

Jun innocently subconsciously reaches out and touches his warm chest. The heat of the silk is transmitted by the fingertips, dispelling the cold of the night.

He is not a phantom, he really came.

"How come you..." Jun nodded slowly and looked up at the beautiful face of the handsome smile.

They have not seen each other for a year since the next three circles.

Jun no medicine smiled and looked down at the innocent in the arms, the smile was reflected in the eyes of the innocent, in her eyes, only he was alone with this sky.

"I miss you." Jun has no deep smiles in his words.

I miss her.

That's it.

The face of the innocent is slightly red, but the corner of the mouth is involuntarily raised.

This answer may be the perfect answer.

Just because I missed it, I crossed the Three Realms, just to find her and want to see one side.

Jun has no medicine to hold Jun innocent, as if he has everything in the world, embraces the little guy in his arms, and his heart has the greatest satisfaction of this life, such as this world, not as good as her silk, not as much as her mouth. Smile.

Slowly bowing his head, Jun has no medicine in the corner of the innocent mouth, a shallow kiss, careful, like a treasure, when the warm lips fall on her lips, there is a slight tremor.

I do not know whether it is forbearance or suppression of embarrassing emotions.

If you don’t want to let your beast in your chest start to scare yourself, it’s just that some kind of ink fades, leaving only the charm and dark purple, and staring at her little face.

"Little evil child, don't you ever think about me?" Jun smiled without a medicine, and deliberately took a bit of distress.

The innocent and clear scorpion looked at the face of Zhang Jun. Suddenly, she stretched out her hands and wrapped around the neck of the unmedicated neck. At the moment when Jun had no medicine, she had slammed his head. Pulling down, picking up the toes, and overbearing kisses on the lips with a smile.

The act of oysters, learning the kisses of the past, the green and passionate opening of the lips of the drugless, hidden in the cold and fiery and soft, broke into his mouth, as if sworn to possess the right, in him The mouth of the mouth falls into its own breath.

The innocent kiss of the innocent kiss, little by little invasion, but Jun has no medicine but only slightly opened the lips, welcoming her plunder, but the pair of half-squatting scorpions, with a trace of shock and dull.

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