The disciples of Jinghong Hall took the flowers of the teenagers in the 12th Hall. As for the visitors outside the 12th Hall, they could only stay in the room and dare not run. ??? Bayi Chinese? Network W? W? W?. (a) 8 (one) 1 (one) Z? W. COM

It’s just that this landscape is a little boring for the teenagers of the Twelve Halls. In a short while, some people are tired and want to go back.

The disciple of Jinghong Temple immediately reported the news to the elders of Jinghong Hall.

And this is not what the elders of the Jinghong Hall are happy to see.

"There are still a few days in this time. It is a little dangerous to have such a group of people in our temple. If there are other temples, we will find out the details of our details." An elder's face was slightly heavy.

Everyone is the banquet of their lord, and the four parties are happy to be happy, but in fact, it makes the triumphant hall a little bit of joy, and the gift from others, even if it is good, to the power of the Jinghong Hall, It’s not rare, but the teenagers who sent the gift, made the Jinghong Hall quite worried, and I was afraid that it would be mixed with purpose.

The relationship between the twelve temples was a little nervous. No one dared to expose his own cards to other temples. However, the event of the birthday banquet was something unusual to avoid. Heshou was also the rule of the 12th Temple. The Jinghong Hall could not be refused. Only open the door and put this group of unscrupulous people into it.

It is already the limit to let them enter the Jinghong Hall. If there is no limit, they will still walk in the Jinghong Hall. It is really too dangerous.

"Last night, after the banquet, the deliberate figure you saw can be found out which temple is the person?" The elders of Jinghong Hall were worried. After the banquet, everyone should have returned to the house, but the people in the temple However, the existing people stayed secretly after the end of the banquet, but unfortunately did not directly capture the person.

This is only the second day. Some people in the other temples in the 12th Hall want to act. If it continues, how can it be?

"No," said the disciple of Jinghong Temple.

The elder elder's face is more ugly, "It's a waste!"

"Elders, what do you do now? Those people seem to be impatient." The disciple asked with a sad face.

The elders frowned slightly. "Since it is boring, there is a downfall, let them vent their energy, and transfer their attention. The old guys, don’t just want to take this opportunity to show how the rookie in their temple is. Is it powerful? We give them this opportunity to tell those people that if they are the last God winners, they can get a reward for the Jinghong Temple."

"Elders... Are they really willing to go to the ring?" The disciples have some doubts. The temple that the Jinghong Hall can use for rewards is not something that is crucial. Those other temples are not without it. This sweetness, which Can you please move those teenagers?

The elders sneered aloud: "What do you know? This is just a head-to-head. The people who come here not only want to explore the truth of our temple, they want to get information about other temples, give them this. An opportunity, even if we don't win anything, they will come."

Which of the twelve halls is willing to become the end? Which one is not trying to climb up?

This time, the Jinghong Temple feasted, and it was known that the people sent from the various temples were selected, and they were the ones that existed to show off.

There is no one in the younger generation of Jinghong Temple. It is hard to vomit blood from other temples.

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