In a few moments, the disciples of Jinghong Temple passed the news of the collapse to the ears of the twelve temple teenagers. Sure enough, a group of young people who were lazy and stunned immediately came to the spirit after hearing such a thing. Bayi? Chinese network?? W?W?W?. ?8 (a) 1 (a) Z (eight) W?. (8) COM

The location of the Fujian and Taiwan is in a performance hall of the Jinghong Hall. A group of teenagers gathered in the past. The huge platform was placed in front of their eyes, and their eyes flashed.

Everyone knows that the twelve temples are in a tit-for-tat. These teenagers are either just entering the temple, the foundation is unstable, or they are still young and have insufficient qualifications. What they lack most is the qualifications and chips in the temples. Being able to win the first prize in this time, then returning to the temple in the future, naturally boasting the capital, it will be more valued.

Many teenagers are gearing up to get up and doing a lot of work. There are a few anxious people who have taken the lead to jump up and prepare to show their fists.

Zi Yan followed the side of Yue Yi, secretly watching this group of **** Fang Gang, she was born in the self-learning hall, the understanding of the twelve temples is extremely lacking, in addition to the costumes of the temples, she is in the end of the twelve halls Who does not know.

"Yue Yi, how are the strengths of these people?" Zi Zi asked quietly around Yue Yi.

Yueyi’s temper is gloomy, and he has been silent after joining forces with Jun. Nothing has never appeared. Today, only the sons have followed, and the strength of the innocent can’t be seen, but the strength of Zizi is not strong. It can only be regarded as acceptable. The 12th Hall sent a lot of elites. She has the strength of many people and she can't see it.

"Fortunately, the peak of Qingling." Yueyi's voice is low, but with a trace of juvenile youth.

"Qing Ling..." The son touched his chin and secretly recorded the strength and power of this person in his mind.

On the stage, the two teenagers have already started to fight. Qingling is against Qingling. Although the battle is fierce, it is not too exciting to watch the interests of the juveniles. Qingling is really nothing in their eyes.

"I thought there would be a good show to watch, but I didn't expect it to be such a boring thing." Zhu Geyin held a folding fan in his hand and swayed in front of him. His eyes looked desperately on the ring. The two teenagers are full of contempt.

"Less Lord, can you measure those guys with your standards, and there are a few people who can break through the realm of Zi Ling at your age?" The non-smoking and timely opening, in a word, Zhuge Yin was very proud.

Zhuge Yin raised his eyebrows slightly, and his smile was not good.

Non-smoke is accompanied by a smile, but in my heart, this Zhuge Yin is not a master of Zhulong Temple. Although it is a full-fledged hypocrite, it is narrow and lascivious, but the talent is quite good. He is just over twenty-two years old. The birthday, but already has the strength of the purple spirit, the Lord of the Dragon Temple will all the babies on his son, plus the Zhuge Yin talent is extremely high, but it is a very young master.

If they were not non-smokers, they got treasures in the tomb of the evil spirits, and they were taught by the king without medicine. I was afraid that they would sprint with their talents, and the achievements of Zhuge Yin were similar.

Therefore, Zhuge Yin's triumph and arrogance are not the identity of his lord of the Dragons. Even if he went to this aura, his strength is extremely amazing.

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