Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1702: Your uncle 2

Zhuge Yin’s means, so many people can’t see it, but no one dares to face the conflict with Zhuge Yin. After all, behind him is the identity of the Zhulong Temple. ??八一? Chinese W (eight) W? W?. ?8 (eight) 1? Z? W (a). COM

The more ugly the face of Qiao Chu was, the more he looked at him by Zhuge Yin, his face was white and his eyes became gloomy.

No one is defeated?

Yue Yi now has no strength to say, how can he admit defeat? Zhuge Yin stepped on Yueyi at the foot, and did not give Yueyi the opportunity to escape from the collapse. This made it clear that Yueyi was killed in the ring!

Zhuge Yin’s shamelessness made Joe Chu want to rush straight up and crush the self-satisfied company, but the only reason he told him was that his opening was the limit he could do. If he really shot, he would not Caused the suspicion of other disciples.

Limited by his identity, Qiao Chu can only endure the anger in his heart, and he secretly hopes that the innocent will come.

The atmosphere around the ring became strange. Everyone was not a fool. They had already seen that there was a normal atmosphere between Zhuge Yin and Yue Yi. After Zhuge Yin’s overwhelming advantage, not only did he not have the right to stop, but he broke the month. All the retreats of the escape, the full control of Yueyi in the ring.

In the face of everyone, Zhuge Yin is like a prey that has no resistance, and he is constantly stepping on the body of Yue Yi.

The sound that came from the bones was crisp, and everyone who heard the goose bumps spread.

Yue Yi’s face is already blue and purple, and the bridge of the nose has been cut off by Zhuge Yin. A piece of white bone is exposed outside the wound, and a large piece of blood runs along his wound.

Gu Xinyi only felt that his chest was blocked for a while. In fact, as a big lady of the Bloody Temple, any battle between the twelve temples would be beneficial to her, only the chaos of the other temples of the 12th Hall. In order to let the **** temple have the opportunity to stand out.

But now, she was stung by the thick **** brain.

"Go to the elders of the Jinghong Hall." Gu Xin took a deep breath and quietly stood in the ear of the **** disciple.

The disciples of the Bloody Temple looked at Gu Xinyi with a puzzled look. "Miss, what are you?"

Gu Xin’s pretense is a calming road: “Zhulong Temple, this is the intention to drag us into the water, not only to be the enemy of the Shadowmoon Hall, but also to provoke the people of the Fire Hall in public. This thing can’t be kept so busy by him.” Zhuge Yin’s There is something in my heart, and Gu Xin’s understanding is that she will not let Zhuge Yin get rid of her feelings.

"But the people of Jinghong Hall... dare to control?" The disciples of the Bloody Temple discreetly opened, Zhuge Yin said that it is also the lesser of the Zhulong Temple, and the Jinghong Hall is afraid that it will not be too much.

Gu Xin said: "Jinghong Hall will never allow disciples of any temple to die on their territory, otherwise they will be difficult to explain."

The people gathered here in the 12th Hall are all for the birthday of the temple of the Jinghong Hall. If these people are killed on the site of the Jinghong Hall, no matter who is the hand, the Jinghong Hall must give the other temples a Account for.

As long as the people in Jinghong Hall are not fools, they will definitely stop this life.

The disciples of the Bloody Temple nodded slightly and immediately ran out of the crowd.

On the stage, Zhuge Yin was tirelessly tormenting Yueyi, looking at Yue Yi's miserable appearance, his lips were more intense.

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