Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1703: Your uncle's 3

Yue Yi has been breathless, **** and fuzzy, Zhuge Yin was satisfied with the body, and picked up the head of Yue Yi, and picked him up. ???? Bayi Chinese W (eight) W (one) W (eight). ?8 (one) 1 (one) Z? W. COM

"Moon son, only someone said, our test has delayed their time, you said you want to admit defeat, and this is the end?" Zhuge Yin Yin asked.

Yue Yi’s eyes have been broken, his eyes are swollen, and his eyes can’t be opened. He can’t move with his movements. How do you respond to Zhuge Yin’s words?

Zhu Geyin’s eyes were full of malice. He suddenly stood up and smashed Yue Yi. Zhuge Yin looked up at Joe Chu, who had previously spoken, and smiled and said: “The moon is really a stubborn person, look. He is not going to admit defeat."

When Zhuge Yin spoke, his eyes stopped at the body of Qiao Chu, and the provocation was full.

"Your grandfather!" Qiao Chu couldn't help but ignite the fire. The purple light was ignited in his body, and the fascinating aura was even worse than Zhuge Yin!

The dazzling aura made the surrounding teenagers shake.

Purple spirit three!

At this moment, even Zhuge Yin’s face changed slightly. He heard that there were several outstanding teenagers in the previous martial arts conference. He also heard that the elders in the temple had talked about some of them, but the strength of those teenagers is not what he is. Know that the only thing he knows is that Joe Chu is one of those teenagers!

Rao is proud of Zhuge Yin after seeing Joe Chu’s strength, his heart trembles!

This teenage boy has already had the strength of the purple spirit level three, which is still worth it?

If you continue to let him show up, God knows how much more time he will give him, and what kind of terrible situation will grow!

Qiao Chu has been unable to hold the fire, Zhuge Yin's fierce means is very tolerable, killing people but the head, but he is so humiliating the moon, it is simply awesome!

However, just when Qiao Chu wanted to rush to the ring and kill Zhuge Yin, a cold voice suddenly rang in the crowd.

"It turns out that the young masters of the Zhulong Temple are just like this. Besides the bully and the inability to fight back, it seems that there is no other skill."

The sound was very ridiculous, and everyone looked at it at the same time.

I saw a young boy with a good face, slowly coming over from the crowd, standing behind her in the shadow moon temple and a man dressed in Shadowmoon Hall costume.

When Zhuge Yin saw the face of the boy's face, his face became awkward!

If he said that his poisonous hand on Yue Yi is entirely because of the rise of the moment, then what he really wants to kill is not someone else, it is the boy in front of him!

This time, between the banquets yesterday, I have attracted Gu Xin’s eyes to the teenagers!

"Little devil, what do you mean by this?" Zhuge Yin saw the moment of innocence, just vented the anger of Yue Yi, and once again burned.

The innocent people walked through the crowd, and the cold eyes did not look at Zhuge Yin, but they did not trace the traces of the body.

Looking at the moon that has become a **** man, the eyes of the innocent eyes flashed a chill.

She was sitting in the room, and Jun had no medicine to discuss the results of her cultivation during this time, but she did not want to, and suddenly received a reminder on the jade card, this jade card only has a few talents, not the key At the moment, it is not easy to use, but on the jade card, it clearly reveals a "擂" word!

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