Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1714: Rescue 3

Just as Jun had thought before, the reason why she would pick the Shadow Palace to "robber" was because she had checked that the Shadow Moon Temple had no great sense of existence in the 12th Temple because it was weak and threatening. Therefore, several halls simply do not bother to find trouble with it, and Shadowmoon Hall has always been law-abiding and never willing to offend anyone, so she will come to the identity of the Shadowmoon Temple disciple. ??八一中文?W?W?W. 81ZW. COM

However, I did not expect it, but on the second day of the Jinghong Hall, Zhuge Yin of Zhulong Temple actually came to the door.

Jun Wuxie did not miss Zhuge Yin’s dissatisfaction and arrogance after her arrival. The reaction was not like a stranger.

Didn't he inadvertently provoke him?

Jun Wuxu re-remembered all the behaviors after entering the Jinghong Hall, but could not find any clues. She did not have any contact with Zhuge Yin. The nearest distance was only the first day of the dinner. In the same hall, sitting in the same hall, and she left for a long time halfway through the banquet, it is really impossible to find a point that will stimulate Zhuge Yin to make him so hostile to his doubts.

"You have had contact with Zhuge Yin today?" If you can't find a suspicious place, you can only continue to find a breakthrough from Zizi.

Zi Yan shook his head.

"We have been at the end of the team and have never had any contact with anyone." This point can be sure that she is a disciple of the Lingyao Temple and has deep hostility towards the Twelve Temples. She is even more afraid of revealing her identity. Naturally, I dare not be too close.

Yue Yi’s temper is also very silent. The two have no sense of existence among a group of teenagers.

"When Zhuge Yin was looking for you, who did he talk to?" Jun asked innocently.

Zi Yan still shook his head. "I and Yue Yi were watching the competition on the ring, so I didn't know..."

Where can she think of it, can she come up with a good show?

As long as she knows this, she is better off not going.

For the injury of Yueyi, Zixin’s heart is very embarrassing. In the invitation of Jinghong Hall today, Yueyi does not intend to go, but Ziyi wants to use this opportunity to understand some 12 temples, she does not If you dare to force you to go to the innocent, you have to go to Yueyi, and Yueyi is for her, and will go.


Zi Yan’s head is low, like a child who is doing something wrong.

If it weren't for her, how could Yue Yi encounter such an accident?

If Yue Yi did not go today, even if Zhuge Yin wanted to find trouble with Yue Yi, there would be no such opportunity.

Thinking about it, Zizi couldn't help but shed tears, and the tears of the beans ran down the eyes.

"What are you crying?" Jun had no sorrow, and he did not expect that the good-natured son would cry.

"It's all my harm. If it's not for me to go with me, I won't meet them, and I won't be bullied by Zhuge Yin's mad dog. I blame me." Tears, while repenting of their actions.

Jun has no intention to open his mouth, but he does not know what to say.

In her view, this matter is Zhuge Yin's fault. Even if Yue Yi did not go today, as long as Zhuge Yin became hostile to Yue Yi, in the future, he will always find opportunities to marry him.

What is Zizi crying now?

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