Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1715: Kindness 1

"Time is not early, you should go to rest first. August 1 Chinese W ≤ W ≤ W =. ≥ 8 ≠ 1 ≥ Z ≤ W =. ≈ C = OM" Jun no evil really do not know how to comfort a crying woman, I have to let the children go to rest first.

Zizi nodded with tears, but when she reached the door, she suddenly stopped and turned to look at Jun.

"Five younger brothers, are you really planning to watch Zhuge Yin killing Yueyi today?"

Zi Yan’s inquiry made Jun’s eyes look like a slight flash.

The child bite the bite lip. "I know that the five divisions have a hatred for you and the twelve temples. You are here to make your plan. Yueyi may be the disciple of the 12th Hall, but he is right. . . . Isn’t he also suffering? If you have already cooperated with him, should you regard him as his own ally?”

Jun looked at the child with no evil and calmly. "What do you think I am doing today?"

Zi Yan shook his head. "I don't know, what I heard, what I saw, I am very confused. I only hope that the five divisions, you can be kind."

At this moment, Zizi’s arrival can’t forget the words that Jun’s innocence said on the side of the ring. Those words made the blood of Zizi become cold. She couldn’t hear the innocence to save the moon, she heard It is Jun’s innocence to hand over Yue Yue to Zhuge Yin for free disposal, and even if he saved the moon, he never said it.

At that moment, Zixiao felt desperate.

She knows that the innocent and the twelve temples are enemies, but... Shouldn’t Yue Yue be their alliance?

Is it really appropriate to sacrifice the alliance without hesitation?

"Go to rest." Jun Wuxie took back his sight and did not want to say anything more with his son.

The child bite the lip and finally left.

After the child left, the monarch who had been standing on the side had no smile but a smile.

"It seems that not everyone can understand your good intentions and heartache." Jun did not go to the side of the innocent, and stretched his hand to pinch the innocent silk.


Why didn't he think that his little evil child was not kind?

Even, he feels that the little evil child is too merciful.

"You don't need her to understand." Jun did not feel sitting on the chair in the side, watching the moon in the sleep, no joy or sadness in his eyes.

Zizi is only a disciple of Lingyao Temple. The cooperation between her and Lingyao Temple is limited to her and the master of Lingyao Temple. Everything she does does not need to be explained by her son. Besides, she believes that Lingyao Temple The wisdom of the Lord, even if she knows what is going on today, she will quickly understand her intentions.

At that time, even if she asked Zhuge Yin to let go of Yueyi, it would not have any effect. Zhuge Yin hated her and hated Yueyi. Although she did not know why, at that time, she could be sure that the hostility in his eyes was so Obviously, even if she really followed his words, kneeling on the ground and begging for mercy, the final result was nothing but Zhuge Yin’s ridicule.

And by the time, Zhuge Yin will not raise his hand, let go of Yueyi, Yueyi is still a dead end.

It is better to follow the trend and push Zhuge Yin to a dead end, but instead left a life path for Yueyi.

"With these two oil bottles... Little evil child, are you sure you are looking for an ally?" Jun has no contact with Yueyi and Zizi, but he sees it clearly. Although the nature of Yueyi is not bad, it is too weak, and it is too dull and dull. The son-in-law is a stupid gimmick who is not deeply ignorant and unclear.

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