Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1717: Question 1

On the second day of the morning, Yue Yi woke up from the slumber, and the night charm that stayed in the room for a night quietly retired from the room at the moment when Yue Yi opened his eyes. August 1st? Wenwang?W≈W≤W. 81ZW. COM

Yue Yi opened his sore eyes and looked at the empty room. He wanted to move his fingers but felt painful and let him sweat coldly.

The door was opened at this time, and the child with the tea in her hand walked into the room. As soon as she entered the door, she saw the moon lying on the bed, staring at her, and her face was awkward. There was a bright smile between the two.

"You are awake!" Zizi quickly put the tea in his hand on the table and went to the bed to check the situation of Yueyi.

Yue Yi wants to nod but now he can't move at all. He opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but the dry scorpion can only make a hoarse voice.

"You don't want to mess around first. You suffered such a heavy injury yesterday. You need to recuperate. Are you thirsty? Want to drink water?" asked the child.

Yue Yi squinted his eyes, and Zizi rushed to a cup of tea, carefully to the side of Yueyi's bed, because Yueyi could not get up, she could only slowly use the small spoon to feed the water into Yueyi's mouth.

The warm water slowly flowed through the dry throat, and finally made Yue Yue feel better. He gratefully looked at the child and said with a hoarse voice: "Thank you."

There is a red on the face and some bows on the face.

"You don't have to thank me. It should be that I apologize to you. If it weren't for me, I would ask you to go with me. You won't encounter these things. But I am tired of you, I am really sorry."

Throughout the night, Zizi couldn't close her eyes. Whenever she closed her eyes, the fierce picture on the stage would come to her mind. She couldn't imagine it. If Zhuge Yin started to pay more, Yue Yi still has a life. come back.

Obviously, it was such a crisis moment, but she could only stand in the downfall, watching the moon and the body trapped in the eye, but there was no way to do it. The huge sense of powerlessness and embarrassment made it difficult for the children to sleep this night. Just as soon as she lit up, she couldn't help but ran over and wanted to see how the situation was.

"These things, who don't know will be born, don't blame you." Yue Yi's voice is a little hoarse, because there is no strength, his voice is very light.

"I don't need to comfort me, it's all useless, I can't save you." Ziyi still blames himself.

Yue Yi looked helplessly at Ziyu. In the face of Zhuge Yin’s confrontation, he was somewhat puzzled and puzzled, but he did not vent his anger with anyone. As a man, he would naturally not be willing to push these things over a woman’s head. on.

"Yesterday... How did I get back?" In order to continue to blame himself, Yueyi can only transfer topics.

When he was in the ring yesterday, he clearly realized that Zhuge Yin not only wanted to defeat him, but also wanted his life. At that moment, Yue Yi had given up all hopes and thought that he would never have any more. The opportunity to leave the ring alive, but did not want to open his eyes today, but he is still alive.

Zizi glimpsed a little, like what she thought of, she suddenly bowed her head, her look was a little abnormal, her eyes flashed to the side of the floor.

"You didn't remember it yesterday?" she asked softly.

Yue Yidao: "I was groggy at the time, squeaking in my head, I couldn't remember what happened."

The child bite the bite lip and watched Yue Yue lying on the bed, hesitating for a moment: "I went to find the gentleman, and she later rushed over."

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