Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1718: Question 2

"It turned out that the monarch saved me..." Yue Yi smiled faintly. August 1st? Wenwang?W?W(1)W?. (8) 8?1 (a) Z?W (eight). COM

Zi Yan looked at Yue Yue with an extremely complicated look. After a moment of silence, Zi Zi said: "Yue Yi, do you think... What is her husband?"

Yue Yi looked at the child with doubts, and did not understand why Zi Yan made such an inquiry.

"I... I just asked, if you don't want to say it, you don't have to say it." Zizi hurriedly bowed his head.

Yue Yidao: "Jun Gongzi is very special. I have never seen that a teenager can be as calm and calm as her. She doesn't have much words on weekdays, but she seems to be aware of everything. I admire it. She. "Yue Yi's words are very sincere, although it is not too late to get along with the innocent, but the innocent behavior of the emperor makes Yue Yi very admired. He thought that Jun immortality is the identity of the disciples of the Shadowmoon Temple. The sneak into the Jinghong Hall is to conspire against certain things, but after entering the Jinghong Hall, the innocent thing is not shocked and calm, but it will make people subconsciously forget her purpose.

A beast, after locking the target, the important thing is not that it always shows its own force, but lurks in the dark, quietly observing the prey's every move, not rushing and not revealing a little breath, let the prey It is impossible to present its existence at all.

In the end, this beast that is waiting for the opportunity will move the most deadly blow to the prey at the most suitable time!

One blow!

It’s simple, but what is the patience in the process?

Yue Yi asked himself, with his temperament, if he had abolished such a big twist, his goal was close at hand. Even if he could bear it for a while, he would only show his intention in the subtleties.

Especially at the side of one's own person, it is extremely difficult to keep camouflage at all times.

But with such a few days in the side of Jun No Evil, Yue Yi is half-point and can't see what Jun wants to do in the end, and I don't know who the goal is.

If it is said that Jun is innocent and has no way to do this, then why bother to cut off their team in the middle of the road?

Zi Zi’s eyes tangled and looked at Yue Yi. She admits that Jun is innocent and thoughtful. Others can’t see what Jun is thinking about, but this kind of power is not dangerous for others.

"Are you not afraid?" Suddenly asked.

"Afraid of what?" Yue Yi looked at the child with doubt.

"Junzi, are you not afraid of her? She can control everything in her hands, including you and me."

Yue Yi looked at Zizi with some impatient eyes. In her eyes, he saw fear.

"Are you afraid of her?"

This makes Yue Yi feel very strange. Didn't the child follow the innocent side of the morning?

Zizi nodded.

Not afraid before, but now, her heart really has some fear of the innocent, especially yesterday, after listening to the words of the innocent, the fear of the child's heart rose to a limit.

In the innocent words, she couldn't hear the innocence of any innocence, which made Zizi feel fear.

Yueyi is an ally of the innocent, and the Lingyao Temple is also an ally of the innocent.

The innocent alert can let her do whatever she wants, but how will she treat her allies?

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